I got these pictures today from a reporter who took these special pictures last weekend of our precious Boy KB and his new Wife..
Introducing the wedding party:
First, the handsome groomsmen and the fine looking groom (in red)
Red ties, black ties, no tie. Mass confusion. "Alright, everyone ..... Let's line up for the picture. Let's see ..... hmmm, where shall we .... oh, yes! Perfect! Everyone, please move quickly! Right over there, in front of the garage. Yes, that will be just smashing!"
Introducing the wedding party:
First, the handsome groomsmen and the fine looking groom (in red)
Red ties, black ties, no tie. Mass confusion. "Alright, everyone ..... Let's line up for the picture. Let's see ..... hmmm, where shall we .... oh, yes! Perfect! Everyone, please move quickly! Right over there, in front of the garage. Yes, that will be just smashing!"