Credibility is a basic requirement of any leader, who needs to be respected and seen as an example for his team. A successful leader needs to build and maintain his credibility, which is not always easy and requires some specific attitudes, such as being polite, respecting differences in his team and, above all, staying away from controversies, always trying to defend his team and keep it together. Next, we, from Love Mondays, list fundamental attitudes for those who want to build a leader image. Follow: Adopt a professional and respectful demeanor Regardless of the type of person you have a relationship with, the co-workers you have and the activities you develop, always respect others and try to understand how these differences contribute to everyone's evolution.
By learning to deal with diverse profiles, situations and treating people with respect, you show that you are a true leader and inspire others to do the same. Stay away from gossip We know that you always want to comment on a controversy or talk about some gossip you've been told, but believe me, a leader who gets involved in this type of conversation demonstrates immaturity and unpreparedness Germany Phone Number List to assume an important position. So run away from mean conversations at coffee time, for example. Don't be too aggressive or passive Yes, we know that it is difficult to find the balance between being too authoritarian or too permissive a leader, but a good leader manages to find the right measure, without showing insecurity by being too aggressive and not listening to his team or, even, showing who doesn't care or doesn't have enough strength by not taking notice of what happens to his team.
Don't play pranks or jokes with your team A very “friendly” boss, who gives nicknames to his employees or makes jokes shows a lack of respect with others and with himself, after all, if he treats others that way, he cannot be surprised to hear bad taste jokes from others. And worse: he will not be able to complain after he was disrespected. Keep your distance from unethical people A good leader needs to have an image of someone ethical, respectful and fair. By associating with people who do not have these characteristics, you compromise your image and, consequently, lose some points in the “values” item, something very appreciated by companies, which need bosses who are examples for their teams. By treating others with respect, listening to what people have to say, showing that you care, and being careful not to get involved in the wrong conversations or with the wrong people, you're already halfway to building the image of a good leader.
By learning to deal with diverse profiles, situations and treating people with respect, you show that you are a true leader and inspire others to do the same. Stay away from gossip We know that you always want to comment on a controversy or talk about some gossip you've been told, but believe me, a leader who gets involved in this type of conversation demonstrates immaturity and unpreparedness Germany Phone Number List to assume an important position. So run away from mean conversations at coffee time, for example. Don't be too aggressive or passive Yes, we know that it is difficult to find the balance between being too authoritarian or too permissive a leader, but a good leader manages to find the right measure, without showing insecurity by being too aggressive and not listening to his team or, even, showing who doesn't care or doesn't have enough strength by not taking notice of what happens to his team.