Since 1985 December 5th has been established by the United Nations as International Volunteer Day. To inspire, three Pagarmers share stories of their involvement in volunteer activities and the paths that led them to the projects: Ananda Taira default profile.jpgI've always participated in social actions, because my family has always encouraged and helped foundations, I've always found that very enriching. My first contact was at school, in the student union, doing actions that raised money for Haiti and the Jequitinhonha Valley, as they were the places that my school helped. Afterwards, I carried out visits and deliveries of toys/kits for children and the elderly, towards the beginning of high school, to homes here in SP.
In college I ended up getting involved with Dorina as a volunteer, and I worked in Fundraising, participating in the “Um bem que da taste” and the “Outlet da Dorina”. In the first, we asked restaurants Phone Number List and cafes to donate part or the value of a dish to the Foundation and help with projects, including offering Braille devices, courses for the insertion of the disabled in the job market, etc. This action is every October. The second was basically to probe stores to donate clothes from previous collections to sell at an affordable price. Later still, as I was doing ballet, I got involved with the Fernanda Bianchini Association, which teaches ballet for the blind. For sure the most amazing experience.
I've ever had training boys and girls with no eyesight or a disability to dance is incredible. Children's hearing is much more developed, so they used the sound to guide the positions, and learned the movements through touch. Another project developed during college was Vida Corrida for Cap?o Redondo, where I donated my art together with the company Inner Enterprises and SONY to raise values for end of year baskets. Afterwards, we delivered toys to them, in another action. More recently, the project I'm helping, by customizing a sneaker that will be auctioned, is Por1Sorriso . Any social action, be it these or other specific ones that I did, were present in my life, and I find that super rewarding! It is essential to my life, even if it is not hands-on. Helping in any way is important for us to create the society we want to be one day.