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Why should the U.S. be proud? Of what .......

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  • Why should the U.S. be proud? Of what .......

    So sick of hearing these U.S. ball lickers saying they should be proud of how they played and we should be happy with their effort. Hey Lalas, WE SUCK!!!

    Say it please. We won 1 fuckin game, tied 1 and lost 2. Proud?

    We have over 300 million people in this Country and we can't fields a soccer team that is worth a shit. You lose to Germany (82 million people), you lose to Belgium (11 million). barely beat Ghana (25 million) and tie Portugal (10 million).

    It's a fuckin joke and we should be embarrassed!!!!!!!!!!!

    Enough of the U.S. apologists!!!!!

    There, i'm done!!!

  • #2
    It's Bush's fault


    • #3
      Apparently it's nobody's fault. We played great!


      • #4
        ESPN ... "What a run it was for the United States"

        Yes, GREAT (1-2-1) run in the World Cup. That's why we will NEVER be good. There are no expectations!


        • #5
          I agree. If it wasn't for Tim Howard they would have lost that game 5-0. USA can't hang with the big dogs and I don't know if they ever will.

