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Former Boxing Champion Antonio Tarver Arrested

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  • Former Boxing Champion Antonio Tarver Arrested

    Former Boxing Champion Antonio Tarver Arrested
    At Wednesday March 5th 2014
    by: Monte Kivo

    Antonio Tarver 48 was arrested yesterday in Florida for not paying back gambling credit of $200,000 dating back to July, 2012 to the Wynn Casino group.

    According to the Wynn Casino, Tarver took out credits of $50k on July 24, 2012, another $50k on July 26th 2012 and $100k on July 27th. Wynn Casino is also suing Antonio Tarver for Cash in Civil Court in Nevada. Tarver must worry about this second lawsuit as this is the same thing that happened to Girls Gone Wild Owner Joe Francis after he refused to pay $2 million in credit from Wynn Casino.
    Francis denied the charges stating that "Wynn Casino was making up the amount owed" which resulted in a $7.5 million victory for Wynn Casino. However, Francis just recently filed for Bankruptcy reorganization. So Wynn Casino has yet to see a penny of any of the money awarded to them. It makes you wonder why and if it's worth giving credit to famous people.