I wasnt intending for my post regarding New Mexico to come off the way that it did. I actually agreed with the pick. I played it myself. I was ripping New Mexico, not the pick. I apologize Sir. I think JT wants to fight me now
I can understand and relate to that.........Maybe I over reacted myself..........It's just frustrating when you put out plays, and they lose, and you do get actual slurs regarding the loss..........
I can see this was NOT the case...............your apology is well accepted, and I in turn apologize for over reacting........
All is well with you and I, and I know my good friend JT will acknowledge the same.......He's a wonderful/true friend, and he doesn't like people messing with the KAPTAIN..........I love him to death...
Us 3 can go on as usual now, and LOCK & LOAD.........
Was very considerate/manly of you to open this thread...........thanks