O.K. I have been sports betting for a few years now. I either break even or lose money. I have tried teasers,progressive betting,paid picks etc.. Can anyone seriously tell me if you can make money at this? Even if I were to hit 52-55% of my bets,would the winnings even be worth the effort??? Please,only looking for serious inquiries. thanks and GL in your efforts!!
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Is there any way to make $$$ betting on sports???
To be honest YES N NO .... gambling to me comes in streaks, there weeks I do very very well and when I start not winning at all, I simply stop for a little bit and take a few days or even weeks off and regroup ... you get hott and your off to the races .... start doubling your bets and your in trouble, been there many times and wanted to kick myself in the ass for not quiting then ... keep your bets to what you bet and don't attempt to double or triple off a loss, odds aren't in your favor ... if you bet 100 a game keep it there and go on a roll, maybe lower to 59 a game to keep your profit .. if your up a few hundred stop for the week and enjoy yourself ... ill still watch sports n ESPN, if am not placing wagers to keep myself fresh on what's going on with teams, stats n etc ...