Somebody needs to tell this faget that when god made the world it was Adam and Eve!!!
It's a sick world we live in boys , I think this story is pure disgusting and that gay homo fucking qwere should never be aloud in a locker room again!!!!
Somebody needs to tell this faget that when god made the world it was Adam and Eve!!!
It's a sick world we live in boys , I think this story is pure disgusting and that gay homo fucking qwere should never be aloud in a locker room again!!!!
Somebody needs to tell this faget that when god made the world it was Adam and Eve!!!
It's a sick world we live in boys , I think this story is pure disgusting and that gay homo fucking qwere should never be aloud in a locker room again!!!!
Agreed almost as sick as the number of people that are so uneducated that the they can't even spell. Seriously Cash with all that money you have rolling in take a few nights and go to night school and get that GED
Agreed almost as sick as the number of people that are so uneducated that the they can't even spell. Seriously Cash with all that money you have rolling in take a few nights and go to night school and get that GED
Kiss my ass both you guys this ain't a spelling bee , I was in a hurry queer boyz!!!! You 2 must be the fagets on BC??? Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh