Congrats on getting to the Super Bowl and Good Luck. I know how good it feels and it will be an exciting 2 weeks for you. Enjoy it!
Thank you
It should be good game. I think we match up better against SF than Atlanta.
The Ravens seem to excel against the younger Qb's with all the veteran leadership on D.
Their speed does scare me though.
Well whoever wrote this was idiot!!!! There is a god watching over all of us and that's a fact!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoever thinks otherwise good luck in hell!!!!!!!!!! As for me believing ray Lewis , I do!!!! You can't really take anything away from the guy , if I was him or any other professional athlete going to my 2nd Super Bowl I would be thanking god more then anyone!!!!!!!! You have to kinda of think of the ride this guy has been on, he just beat the 2 best quarterbacks in the game!!!!! Something nobody thought the ravens can do!!!! Also they did it on the road which is really fucking hard to do!!!!
All are not controlled by god. Others, like the shooter in Connecticut, are controlled by a lower power. That's my belief!
NOONE is "controlled"...we ALL have FREE WILL to choose to do and be what we want! And ultimately, what you CHOOSE, will be your destiny both here and ultimately in either heaven or hell...
I'm no fan of Ray Ray at all. I brought up this same topic a few years back when everyone was bashing Big Ben as a rapist and I was told by many people here that Ben was a POS and Ray was never convicted.
I'll be honest, it pissed me off.
Point I'm trying to make is; as fans we don't hire these players. I'm a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers.
I wish everyone of the players were choirboy bad ass football players.
They aren't choirboys most of the time, they are entitled little assholes most of them who think they are bigger than life.
So with that being said, I know as a fan what it feels like to have a member of your favorite team slammed over and over on these type forums. I realize I don't own the team, I realize its not an attack on me, but as a fan you perceive it that way and it makes you angry.
I don't know what Big Ben did, I don't know what Ray Lewis did, wasn't with either of them when they got into trouble. But if Ben raped women, and Ray is culpable in any way in those murders, they will answer for it when the time comes.
Until then, I'm going to root for my team whether they did or didn't do what they have been accused of.
I'm no fan of Ray Ray at all. I brought up this same topic a few years back when everyone was bashing Big Ben as a rapist and I was told by many people here that Ben was a POS and Ray was never convicted.
I'll be honest, it pissed me off.
Point I'm trying to make is; as fans we don't hire these players. I'm a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers.
I wish everyone of the players were choirboy bad ass football players.
They aren't choirboys most of the time, they are entitled little assholes most of them who think they are bigger than life.
So with that being said, I know as a fan what it feels like to have a member of your favorite team slammed over and over on these type forums. I realize I don't own the team, I realize its not an attack on me, but as a fan you perceive it that way and it makes you angry.
I don't know what Big Ben did, I don't know what Ray Lewis did, wasn't with either of them when they got into trouble. But if Ben raped women, and Ray is culpable in any way in those murders, they will answer for it when the time comes.
Until then, I'm going to root for my team whether they did or didn't do what they have been accused of.
I'm no fan of Ray Ray at all. I brought up this same topic a few years back when everyone was bashing Big Ben as a rapist and I was told by many people here that Ben was a POS and Ray was never convicted.
I'll be honest, it pissed me off.
Point I'm trying to make is; as fans we don't hire these players. I'm a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers.
I wish everyone of the players were choirboy bad ass football players.
They aren't choirboys most of the time, they are entitled little assholes most of them who think they are bigger than life.
So with that being said, I know as a fan what it feels like to have a member of your favorite team slammed over and over on these type forums. I realize I don't own the team, I realize its not an attack on me, but as a fan you perceive it that way and it makes you angry.
I don't know what Big Ben did, I don't know what Ray Lewis did, wasn't with either of them when they got into trouble. But if Ben raped women, and Ray is culpable in any way in those murders, they will answer for it when the time comes.
Until then, I'm going to root for my team whether they did or didn't do what they have been accused of.
Normally I would agree with you jc but not when it comes to the murder of 2 people. Most cases you suggest don't involve murder. I don't wanna hear the acquitted crap either cuz oj and Casey Anthony were also acquitted and if you had nothing to do with it then why are you paying 2 families off? It's a joke and if his name wasn't ray lewis he would be in prison. They are still looking for the bloody white suit he had on and I bet if they found it that it would fit better than ojs glove did.
Normally I would agree with you jc but not when it comes to the murder of 2 people. Most cases you suggest don't involve murder. I don't wanna hear the acquitted crap either cuz oj and Casey Anthony were also acquitted and if you had nothing to do with it then why are you paying 2 families off? It's a joke and if his name wasn't ray lewis he would be in prison. They are still looking for the bloody white suit he had on and I bet if they found it that it would fit better than ojs glove did.
Don't know if you ever heard the expression that it's better to keep silent and let people think your an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt but you are proof that that saying is true.
Lewis was never acquitted because the D.A. in Atlanta dropped murder charges because he had no evidence that Lewis was guilty of anything other than obstruction of justice which he pleaded guilty to for giving the police a misleading statement.If the D.A. had evidence that Lewis was guilty why did the D.A. drop the charges. Lewis testified against the 2 people charged with murder but a jury acquitted them. As for Lewis settling a civil suit, celebrities do it all the time. The reason being that it is often times cheaper to settle than to spend twice as much trying to prove you didn't do anything.