Except that my opinion isn't wrong. The BCS is absolute garbage is it not? In which case, my opinion is right.
Again, this is a MB where fans voice their displeasure. I'm a Miami fan so I have no allegiance one way or another, but NIU is garbage. They lost to Iowa...their best win was against Kent St in the MAC Championship and guess what, they got smoked by a 2-win Kentucky team.
2 of the computers have NIU ranked 12? Seriously?
I'll be happy in a couple years when this BCS garbage is gone.
Jimmy, I doubt you will EVER be happy. Lol
Nope, it isn't (knock on wood). I smile a lot...too much probably, but that doesn't mean we can't debate sports. At the end of the day, none of this stuff really matters in our lives, but debating it is what makes it so intriguing.