I just hate being stereotyped. Alot of fat people here no doubt and I bust my ass in the gym 4 hours a day to keep a rock hard body like I have but yet we always get thrown in the same category as these fat people. Ask KB,Club,Jc and Dimer. I have zero body fat and rock hard abs!!
That must have been a pillow under your shirt in that pic you sent last week?Or was that an old picture of John Daly?
Americans are getting fatter every year, according to Trust for America's Health F as in Fat report.
Back in 1991 no states had obesity levels over 15%.
Today Colorado is the only state with obesity below 20%. Another 12 states have levels over 30%.
By measuring state obesity against population, we calculated a 0.5% increase in national obesity compared to last year's report. That's equivalent to 1.54 million new obese Americans in a single year.
Meanwhile adult diabetes increased in 11 states. Hypertension has also increased over the past 20 years. In 14 states the number of adults who said they do not exercise increased.
The states with the highest obesity level are mostly in the sec
I just hate being stereotyped. Alot of fag people here no doubt and I bust my ass in the gym 4 hours a day to keep a rock hard body like I have but yet we always get thrown in the same category as these fag people. Ask KB,Club,and Dimer. I have zero body fat and rock hard abs and I use a Lazar 1000 tanning bed and shave my anus daily !!