WASHINGTON -- Roger Clemens has been acquitted on all charges by a jury that decided he didn't lie to Congress when he denied using performance-enhancing drugs.
Jurors returned their verdict Monday after close to 10 hours of deliberation. The outcome brings an end to a 10-week trial that capped an expensive, five-year investigation into one of the greatest pitchers in the history of baseball.
The 49-year-old Clemens was accused of perjury, making false statements and obstructing Congress when he testified at a deposition and at a nationally-televised hearing in February 2008. The charges centered on his repeated denials that he used steroids and human growth hormone during his 24-year career.
The verdict is the latest blow to the government's pursuit of athletes accused of drug use.
Frankly I think this was jury nullification. This was the jury telling the Senate to stay out of bullshit like who was or was not taking roids. Don't think it will do anything to improve Clemens chances of getting into the Hall. I think most writers have him as a roid user.
An attorney I heard on the radio today made a good point. This wasn't a case about how the gov't should stay out of these types of things. It was more about the fact that they don't want to set a precedent where people think it's ok to go in front of Congress and lie. Yes, I know politicians do it all the time (haha), but I kinda agreed w/the attorney. The problem w/this case is the fact a) the prosecution's main witness was a dirtbag who's a known liar and b) Pettite basically changed his tune.