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Why is this crap ok?

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  • Why is this crap ok?

    P Diddy says "black power" at All Star Game. - YouTube

    I am tired of the double standard that exists in this country. Any little thing gets said or done and Sharpton and any other loud mouth comes out screaming. But this is all good.

    Gimme a break!

  • #2
    Yeah I know. I copied that African American for Obama video that Spark put on here and put it on my facebook. Huge double standard. Imagine "Whites for Romney campaign", black people would go crazy.

    I think the black people are wanting me to start being racist. They sure are.


    • #3
      I feel that african americans in general feel that everybody else owes them something because of whats happened in the past and feel entitled to do certain things....imo...


      • #4
        Originally posted by DAREALDEAL View Post
        I feel that african americans in general feel that everybody else owes them something because of whats happened in the past and feel entitled to do certain things....imo...
        I agree. I like black people have a few black friends. I just had nothing to do with what happened in the past, so its starting to get on my nerves with some of the things in the news.


        • #5
          How about Miss Black America ? Let's have a Miss WHITE ASS America and see where that gets us. Slavery ended 160 yrs ago ... get over it .

