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I bid farewell !

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  • I bid farewell !

    I used to have faith in this site! It was really nice for a few years. Now it is just GOY/ loser, phi slama Jamma/ loser. 20*/loser. Wayne doesn't even post much any. So since I can do better quesing on my own and it seems you guy can't pick a winner in a blue white game? I wish you good luck. Honestly. Yes, I know you make your own picks and every bet I make, I make!✌

    Ps. I took the heels LARGE. So I might be an idiot too!
    Last edited by ptrag2win; 02-08-2012, 09:16 PM.

  • #2
    How come I didn't see you on here saying thanks after the two Phi Slamma Jamma winners last week? There are still plenty of winners around here.

    Too each their own and I wish you luck no matter what. Good luck finding what you're looking for at any other site. Ravenmaniac has been as hot as anyone on the net recently.

    Hope you find what you're looking for, and if so, please let me know where to find the person who never loses in this game every now and then


    • #3
      KB, you have always been solid and consistent , but remember this? And this is not a shot at the Kap. Cause he has been ok too. It's just a point.

      I have nothing against or for you.....Here's what hurts when you

      act like a tout
      give opinions as if they were GOLD
      guarantee on games.......

      tone er down.....

      heres some of your, shall we say ...... OPINIONS

      This you said in another thread....
      Once again this game just happens to be the biggest donation game of the year!!!! Easy easy easy easy easy easy easy $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ pound your life savings on the new England!!!!!!!!! In a blowout!!!! Guareensheed victory!!!!!

      This you said in my thread
      Oh no kap, Brady and company , but good luck to you my man

      This is your own thread...

      100* NEW ENGLAND -3 (game) GOC

      20* NEW ENGLAND -1 (1rstHalf)

      This is the easiest game of the year pretty much a donation, pound Brady and company as they had 2 weeks to prepare for a game that they been wanting for 4 years now!! Revenge, they won't just win this game they will blowout the giants!!

      Prop Bets

      New England -14.5 (+350 to 1)
      New England -10.5 (+275 to 1)

      How did all that hype work out for ya....


      • #4
        I'm not sure what you're getting at. That was a thread posted by Cashmoney.

        Kapt told him to tone it down as all of his threads are like that.

        Sorry man, I'm not following what you're trying to say.


        • #5
          Really? It's seems he was talking about his big play misses?


          • #6
            Kapt was saying not to come out and say it's a guaranteed winner like cash was doing. Never once did Kapt say the Phi Slamma Jamma's are guaranteed. The one thing I can GUARANTEE you is that Kapt feels worse than anyone about losing a Phi Slamma Jamma. Not only did he lose his own money, he knows others out there like yourself were on it and lost too.


            • #7
              See ya
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #8
                There is no poster on this site that feels worse when they lose their big plays than the Kapt. Cashmoney touts his thread hard usually. Find a few guys that you like and stick with em. Keep your own record of what they do instead of taking their word for it.

                Good luck if you stick around

                No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


                • #9
                  Seems like you been around here for a long time. I am sure you know nothing is a lock etc... It takes a lot for these guys to post everyday and put their name on the line. Ya have to give these guys credit for helping or trying to help in which they do not get anything back for. They are trying to help anyone that reads their thread win money. If you are upset that people are losing then fade them.

                  It's up to you but IMO 90 percent of the people on this board are doing there best in which is a tough business to win at.


                  • #10
                    Beggars cant be choosers...
                    "dont judge me in one week, judge me the whole season."


                    • #11
                      Dont leave yet. Nascar starts in a week. All you have to do is bet against #88 every week and you'll have your $$$ back in no time!


                      • #12
                        Just fade my NBA picks.


                        • #13
                          see ya later, good luck finding that 80% winner guy!


                          • #14
                            Who the fuck are you. I see your join date is September 2003 but I don't recall ever seeing you post a play. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


                            • #15
                              Come on guys. Don't turn this into a bash-fest

