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I heard my bookie is losing a lot of money

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  • #16
    LWA you are doing nobody any favors by staying stop being so melodramatic.


    • #17
      Because I hear things all the time it doesn't make them true. On this board you run into a lot of bull shitters huh LWA.


      • #18
        Originally posted by diesel View Post
        LWA you are doing nobody any favors by staying stop being so melodramatic.
        You would have no use for BC if I wasn't here. I mean you hate on me so bad now you have befriended a few that hate on me too.

        I get a kick out of you.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bryce View Post
          Because I hear things all the time it doesn't make them true. On this board you run into a lot of bull shitters huh LWA.
          OK I guess that kind of makes sense. Not really. I was told that swear to God. My bookie losing a lot of money really wasnt the point at all.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
            You would have no use for BC if I wasn't here. I mean you hate on me so bad now you have befriended a few that hate on me too.

            I get a kick out of you.
            Sadly you are mistaken and once again show how mentally retarded you are. I am not trying to befriend anyone or start anything with anyone. My point is there are some people here that contibute a great deal to this site which doesn't include myself nor you for that matter and you continually dissrespect their opinions and thoughts. When they lose a pick you go into their thread and say how you won that game low class move. When you diaagree with them instead of making your arguement you tell them they don't know shit or what the fuck they are talking about. You come in and babble about the Giants win which was a great win but you tell everypne how stupid they were for taking the Pats. Unless your blind you know that if Welker catches that ball the Giants lose. They could only stop the clock one more time Bottom line is you are a hiding behind a computer all day and night because nobody can tolerate you in person. Nobody cares if your bookie is losing money because you have no idea what the hell you are talking about half the time and the other half you are bullshitting. Does that make sense LWA? Laught at that you chump


            • #21
              Originally posted by diesel View Post
              Sadly you are mistaken and once again show how mentally retarded you are. I am not trying to befriend anyone or start anything with anyone. My point is there are some people here that contibute a great deal to this site which doesn't include myself nor you for that matter and you continually dissrespect their opinions and thoughts. When they lose a pick you go into their thread and say how you won that game low class move. When you diaagree with them instead of making your arguement you tell them they don't know shit or what the fuck they are talking about. You come in and babble about the Giants win which was a great win but you tell everypne how stupid they were for taking the Pats. Unless your blind you know that if Welker catches that ball the Giants lose. They could only stop the clock one more time Bottom line is you are a hiding behind a computer all day and night because nobody can tolerate you in person. Nobody cares if your bookie is losing money because you have no idea what the hell you are talking about half the time and the other half you are bullshitting. Does that make sense LWA? Laught at that you chump
              LOL I will and when have I saw a losing play and gone into their thread and said I won on that??? I dont remember that.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
                LOL I will and when have I saw a losing play and gone into their thread and said I won on that??? I dont remember that.
                Thought you were gone ???

                You may take your leave now ----> STOP arguing !!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
                  Why do you care how??? The guy I text plays in to told me thats what the bookie told him. I guess the guy I text the bets into is the "underbookie". The bookie has a few of them.
                  Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
                  Why? I just thought it was interesting someone was betting like that. It really had nothing to do with my bookie, but he is losing.

                  So the point which was the betting style again went over y'alls heads.
                  Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
                  So fuck everyone on this board. Honestly I dont want to post on here again. BAN MY NAME. GL everybody. You guys just never could handle me I was too smart.
                  Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
                  I fight??? I get picked on for nothing normally. Like this IDK what people were fussing about the bookie comment that had nothing to do with the point of my post.

                  Anyway whatever I guess I should have said "what do you think about this strategy" since Im dealing with illiterate people.

                  As far as posting I kind of want to be done. This place just raises my blood pressure.
                  Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
                  OK I guess that kind of makes sense. Not really. I was told that swear to God. My bookie losing a lot of money really wasnt the point at all.

                  You should have elaborated more in the first post rather than make a snide comment to Bryce and get all defensive. That post was vague at best for what your intentions were and yet you arrogantly assume everyone knew what you were referring to. It has nothing to do with being illiterate and we're not on here to interpret what you 'actually' meant. Which I'm still assuming, since reading most of the posts in this thread, that you found it interesting your bookie was getting beat on teasers. What's vague is why you would post that here, what your point was and whether you actually knew this for a fact. Don't assume everyone gleaned that information from your initial post.

                  I've noticed, in what little I've read from you, that you have an attitude and arrogance about you, just like the way you came across in the SEC thread. And on a forum, that isn't going to cut it unless you're arguing in the rants forum like I do. Cut the attitude, you're not smarter than everyone here or get the hell out.

                  You do contribute plays but it seems like you're antagonistic more often than not. JMHO. Take it for what it's worth. I'm guessing you won't take it as constructive criticism.
                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
                    I really don't get your problem with me. Maybe I missed that. Anyway I wasnt lying.

                    You post stupid shit then. Thats all you do Baseball Dave. You're a fucking pussy.

                    I'm waiting for the post where you invite me to "wherever" so you can whip my ass of "piss on my face" as others have done.

                    First, I answered your post to Bryce because YOU were the one who made the original post and then got defensive with him. Bryce was just asking a question in response to YOUR post.
                    Second, then you come in here and call me a "fucking pussy" when I never cursed you or called "you a pussy."

                    And last, YOU start most of YOUR own problems by calling others stupid for betting the Pats or the shit you started in the SEC thread.
                    I also bet the Giants, BUT I am also smart enough to realize that if, as Diesel pointed out, Welker makes the catch, the odds are VERY good that the Pats win the game. If YOU can't realize that, then you don't know much about sports.
                    I am also smart enough to realize that good teams win and good teams lose and even if you are good, you need "luck" to be on your side. Both the Giants and the Pats are good teams and the Giants got the breaks in the game at the end.

                    YOU start your own problems by acting like YOU are better and smarter than anyone else on this board. That is why, as you put it, you are "hated" by some here. I promise you that there are MANY here who have been around sports alot longer than you and we are all not stupid.

                    Quit being a douche bag to others and being so fucking "allmighty" and maybe some of that "hate" will go away. Not only does it make you look VERY immature, but it also makes you look like a supreme ass.

                    There, the "fucking pussy" has said enough.
                    jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                    • #25
                      Seriously Im getting kinda into 4.5 pt bball teaser 2 team teaser is -110. I mean guys I aint going to change. Damage has been done both ways.

