Alright y'all. I need Boise to just flat out roll bit I have to ask a question. Did anyone else notice the HOT fucking brown haired girl with a yellow shirt on and fake tits sitting behind home plate at the Brewers game. Damn she was pretty hot!!
Alright y'all. I need Boise to just flat out roll bit I have to ask a question. Did anyone else notice the HOT fucking brown haired girl with a yellow shirt on and fake tits sitting behind home plate at the Brewers game. Damn she was pretty hot!!
Is that why you have a 5 minute gap on your next in game thread post
Thank God for that shank extra point. I'm at a push for under 30 1st half. I took over for the game but I never dreamed Fresno would be this bad. It's almost getting emberrasing that this is one of the top teams Boise faces. This is pure domination at it's best!!!