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Cooley doesn't back off Romo comments

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  • Cooley doesn't back off Romo comments

    In a day and age when players tend to say outlandish things, only to follow it up the next day by saying their words were taken out of context, Washington Redskins tight end Chris Cooley reiterated that he found joy watching Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo fall apart Sunday against the Detroit Lions.

    "You can hear it in my voice, I was pleased the Cowboys lost the game," Cooley said Wednesday on Jim Rome's syndicated radio show. "In no way am I going to apologize for rooting against a rival."

    Cooley had told the Washington Post earlier this week he was watching the scoreboard in St. Louis on Sunday and reveling as the Cowboys' 27-3 lead shrunk during the second half. He also said t was amazing to see the Cowboys choke away the game at the end. Cooley then followed up with comments about facing Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo in a cagefight.

    "I have no problem with Tony Romo as a person," Cooley told Rome. "I just can't apologize for being happy in seeing them fail. If you are a fan and you think I should, are you really a fan?"

    "But in terms of really wanting to punch him (Romo) in the face, no, I don't care about that."

    Cooley did not stop there. He posted more of his opinions about the situation on his website,

    "If it sounded like I was delighted by Tony Romo's failure last week, I was," Cooley wrote. "I will never make an apology to any offended Dallas fans, and I expect every Redskin fan to cheer at the folly of a Cowboy."

    Cooley's disdain for the Cowboys extended to the team's fans, as well.

    "After seeing the frenzy of peevish Cowboy fan banter over the past 24 hours I have to say that the peculiar defense of 'America's quarterback' has completely blown me away," Cooley said. "From genius talking heads like Skip Bayless and former Maryland great Norman (Boomer) Esiason to the bible thumping twitter bullies, it's very clear that a cult like group of Dallas supporters has emerged to stand in defense of the epic Tony Romo."

    "You don't want me to be boring, but as soon as I'm entertaining I'm crossing a line."

    Cooley doesn't back off Romo comments

  • #2
    I love it!



    • #3
      He's right what do people expect him to do?

