Thinking about putting a half unit on Ortiz at +600. Think he has a punchers' chance to pull the upset. Am I throwing money away? What's everyone think?
I think u have to give it a shot.Like u said he has the power and Mayweather has had a lot of personal problems so I am not sure if his mind is right to train as hard as he used to or not.At +600 I think u almost have to go with Perish.Sure would not lay the -800
MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
[QUOTE=ravenmaniac;1927740]Thinking about putting a half unit on Ortiz at +600. Think he has a punchers' chance to pull the upset. Am I throwing money away? What's everyone think?
I hope ortiuz wins..I hate Mayweather, hes an arrogant mf!!
I like Ortiz also...IF he hits mayweather he's gonna be relentless..If Shane can land on Floyd then i wouldn't be surprised to see Ortiz land and possibly hurt floyd...GL wit ur bet...gonna ride along also