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U.S. Olympic Skier Gets Drunk, Pees On 11-Year-Old Girl

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  • U.S. Olympic Skier Gets Drunk, Pees On 11-Year-Old Girl

    U.S. Olympic Skier Gets Drunk, Pees On 11-Year-Old Girl On JetBlue Flight

    downhill skiier


    The drunk man who peed on a sleeping 11-year-old passenger on a JetBlue flight is one of the most elite skiers in the United States, according to the NYPost.

    Robert Vietze, a U.S. Skier, probably just blew his chances of participating in the Olympic Games in Russia in 2014. His name was removed from the team's roster yesterday.

    Vietze was drunk on his flight from Portland, Ore., to JFK Wednesday night when he was heading home from a week-long training camp, stumbled out of his seat to the girl five rows behind him, and urinated on the girl.

    Vietze told the cops: "I was drunk, and I did not realize I was pissing on her leg."

    The skier refuses to apologize for his actions.

    UPDATE: Vietze has been kicked off the Olympic training Team.

    If he had any endorsements, we're sure he would have lost those too, like these athletes

  • #2

    The drunken JetBlue passenger who treated a sleeping 11-year-old girl like his personal toilet was booted from the US Ski Team -- ending his dream of representing the country at the 2014 Winter Olympics, officials announced today.

    Robert "Sandy" Vietze was detained by Port Authority cops at Kennedy Airport on Wednesday morning after arriving on a red-eye flight from Portland, Ore.



    US Ski and Snowboard Association Executive Vice President of Athletics Luke Bodensteiner released a statement, saying Vietze, 18, had been dismissed from the team for conduct

    “Based on the information we have, Sandy Vietze is in violation of the USSA code of conduct and team agreement, and has been dismissed from the team,” Bodensteiner said.

    Vietze admitted to cops that he had consumed eight alcoholic drinks before boarding JetBlue Flight 166.

    Vietze was later issued a citation and has been charged with indecent exposure, a misdemeanor, by the Brooklyn US Attorney's Office. He faces up to one year behind bars.

    The leaky loser had expressed no remorse Thursday outside his family's palatial Vermont home, where he ignored questions about the incident and showed no interest in apologizing to his victim.

    Vietze had taken the red-eye flight from Portland, Ore., to JFK on his way home from a weeklong training camp with the US Ski Team at Mount Hood in Oregon.

    It was lousy luck for his young victim, who was flying with her sister and cancer-stricken father on a trip to see her grandmother on eastern Long Island for the first time since his diagnosis.

    Soon after takeoff, Vietze stumbled from his seat five rows behind the child and emptied his bladder onto the girl, who was briefly left alone while her dad and sister were in restrooms.

    "I was drunk, and I did not realize I was pissing on her leg," the 6-foot-4, 195-pound Vietze later told cops, according to law-enforcement sources.

    The girl's father, a Stage 4 cancer patient, caught Vietze midstream and tried to wipe him out.

    "F--k that kid. I don't want him near my family!" he yelled.

    Vietze slurred that he had suffered "an accident," according to another passenger.

    Flight attendants ultimately intervened and had to separate the men.


    • #3
      looks like we found Kb's new hero
      2013 NCAA POD Record

      8-3ATS +3.80 units

      2013 NFL POD Record

      1-2 ATS -4.50 units


      • #4
        oh and let the record reflect. If that were my daughter that this happend to I would be in jail right now cause i woulda beat the fuck outta this asshole regardless if he was drunk or not
        2013 NCAA POD Record

        8-3ATS +3.80 units

        2013 NFL POD Record

        1-2 ATS -4.50 units


        • #5
          Has Bode Miller checked in yet


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