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Whats Your Take?

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  • Whats Your Take?

    Just curious what you all think ...

    After 3 weeks of NCAA mens tourney, (playoff basketball) the best we could get was that disaster of a game on Monday night? Never been a fan of the BCS system, but after watching, does it bolster the arguement that maybe the BCS does work after all? Not sure about you, but I never turned off a championship football game at halftime.

  • #2
    I don't think so.


    • #3
      Of the 4 major sports football is the only one that has no playoff, I think they have it wrong. There are 2 playoffs left this year in the major sports. NCAA Frozen Four (this Thursday and Saturday) and the College World Series, later this spring. They both look to be outstanding events. Just because the 2 teams Monday night played a horible game, doesn't mean you should throw out the entire system! Would you have rather said "Kansas plays Ohio State" for the national Championship? May have been a good game, but it's wrong. Wanna do the same thing with the NFL? I say no!


      • #4
        In College Basketball I think the system is set up perfectly. There are teams that argue that they should be in over another team but the fact of the matter is if they had taken care of business when they needed to there would be no question whether they should be in or not. The fact that the championship game sucked was just a case of two teams that were not shooting well due to good defense and it just was not a good shooting night. This type of game occurs all the time, it was only magnified because of the fact that it was the championship game.

        The football BCS system is just horrid. You have 50 bowls half of which are horrible to watch and sit through. A playoff system like the one in college basketball should be instituted. You can still have all the bowl games but each one should be single elimination and structured in a bracket format with some top seeds getting byes along the way. This would probably mean that a reduction in the number of bowl games would be necessary, however it would present teams with an opportunity to outplay an opponent with a better ranking each week and provide cinderella teams everyone can root for and enjoy watching.
        NFL System - Year 1
        Week 2 3-2 +0.8 Units
        Week 3 3-2-1 +0.8 Units
        Week 3 3-3 -0.3 Units
        Week 4 3-2 +0.8 Units
        Week 5 2-3 -1.3 Units
        Week 6 4-1 +2.9 Units
        Week 7 3-0 +3.0 Units
        Week 8 2-3 -2.35 Units
        Week 9 0-1 -1.1 Units
        Season Total 23-17 +3.35 Units


        • #5
          Even though Monday's game wasn't an ESPN "Instant Classic", where was all the outrage to get rid of the Big 10 Tourney after that great Penn St-Wisconsin offensive showing ??

          Also, lets get it straight. The NCAA does not have a Football Champion. They pimped it out to the BCS.
          He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


          • #6
            Appreciate the feedback, good points. Agree that bad game could have been a fluke and not all need to be instant classics. Been anti everything BCS in past, and college football does need some type of playoff system. No doubt changes need to be made, but after game Monday night, imo the BCS influence in college football became a little more legit.

