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    Worst Super Bowl Halftime show in Years

    Black Eyed Peas were Pathetic

    I like their music but live it is HORRIBLE

  • #2
    Super Bowl XLV Hafltime Show: Black Eyed Peas, Slash And Usher Perform, Disappoint As Expected

    For everyone who has always wanted to see Fergie and Slash share a stage and perform "Sweet Child Of Mine," the halftime show of Super Bowl XLV made your dreams come true. It opened with Black Eyed Peas being lowered down to the stage and signing "I Gotta Feeling." Which, well, obviously. 

    They were immediately surrounded on all sides of the stage by hundreds of people dressed in all white suits (that also lit-up, of course). They danced a lot. They also formed large green arrows pointing to ... ?

    Then it was onto "Boom Boom Pow," which led into Slash from Guns N' Roses rising from the middle of the stage for a very special duet with Fergie. And then, as quickly as he appeared, Slash was gone, out of our lives until, I dunno, Far East Movement calls. 

    Then BEP moved on, going into "Pump It" and "Let's Get It Started" (I thought we already did!) before Usher joined them on stage for "O.M.G." The show ended with Black Eyed Peas doing "Where is the Love" -- the dancers weraing light suits all formed giant hearts at this point -- before wrapping it up their newest single, "The Time (Dirty Bit)." This is when the group was joined on stage by dancers with huge blocks on their head

    So, yeah, the 2011 Super Bowl halftime was pretty terrible. But we knew it was going to be terrible before it ever started. 

    And to think: the Black Eyed Peas were once really not all that bad. 


    • #3
      Super Bowl XLV Halftime Show Review: The Black Eyed Peas Give America The Worst Feeling Ever

      Hey, do you have a ringing feeling in your ears after that abysmal Super Bowl XLV halftime show by the Black Eyed Peas? ME, TOO! Let's recap the carnage.

      "I Gotta Feeling" kicked off the Black Eyed Peas' assault on our ears. Lots of people dressed in white jumped up and down as tinny music blared. The audio issues would persist throughout the performance — everything sounded faint, as if FOX had no idea how to televise a halftime show.

      "Boom Boom Pow" came second, and came complete with TRON-style green arrows on the field, likely pointing to somewhere else fans would have liked to be. Those turned into a pair of circles around the main stage. And Taboo and got to rap!

      Then, in a nice transition to non-Black Eyed Peas music, Slash emerged from the stage, probably not actually playing the riff to "Sweet Child O' Mine" — not that anyone could tell, what with the incredibly low mixing for the guitar — and allowing Fergie to butcher it to nearly unrecognizable hash.

      After the surf-rock riff for "Pump It" kicked in, I briefly thought the halftime show was improving. But decided to rap in a nearly unintelligible mumble, rendering that song's energy moot.

      Next song: "Let's Get It Started," which really makes no sense whatsoever as the fifth song in any sequence of songs, but did permit Usher to descend from the roof and co-opt the halftime show for about 15 second of singing and 75 seconds of the same dance routine he did while performing "OMG" at every public event and awards show in 2010. It included a split! It was impressive!

      And then the Black Eyed Peas tried to remind everyone to ask "Where Is The Love?" If you hadn't asked "Where is the remote? Hit mute, please?" by then, you might have heard freestyle a couple of bars: "Obama, let's get these kids educated" was part of it, and so was the phrase "create jobs," which is about the least hip-hop thing ever.

      By the end, when was singing "The Time (Dirty Bit)," and professing to having fun while doing the Running Man, it was hard to believe anyone was having the time of this or any life. But, hey, the BEP finished by affirming that they have a feeling tonight's gonna be a good night. So there's that.

      FOX returned from commercials after the halftime show with a bit of the Black Keys' "Howlin' For You." It was better than the entire halftime show.

      Could this be the worst Super Bowl halftime show ever? Well, let's just say I think the "wardrobe malfunction" halftime will be remembered more fondly — and as a better-executed show.


      • #4
        Slash Makes Surprise Super Bowl XLV Halftime Show Appearance With Black Eyed Peas

        Slash, former lead guitarist for Guns 'N Roses, popped into the middle of the Super Bowl XLV Halftime Show and tried to redeem the Black Eyed Peas performance as it was quickly spiraling out of control. Sandwiched between Fergie shakin' it and an odd display of glowsticks, Slash brought the thunder, playing a solo from Sweet Child Of Mine. His entrance -- rising from the middle of the stage -- was awesome and his guitar solo was just as great. 

        With axe in hand, Slash looked completely out of place amidst the train wreck that was the halftime show, even shying away from Fergie as she moved in for the kill. And then, just as quickly as it began, it was over and Slash disappeared back into nowhere, likely to never be heard from again.

        From Guns 'N Roses to a cameo in a Black Eyed Peas and Usher halftime show, this is how far Slash has fallen. Luckily nobody will remember his part as they rip everything else about the show. At least he's got that going for him.


        • #5
          Black Eyed Peas Super Bowl Halftime Show Was Perfomed Free-Of-Charge

          They say you get what you pay for. And if you thought the Black Eyed Peas was among the worst Super Bowl halftime performances you've ever seen, then it might lessen the blow to learn that they will not make one red cent for their efforts. In fact, most Super Bowl halftime performers have not been paid to appear.

          So why bother to do it at all? According to Forbes, it's all about exposure.

          In 2010 a record 106.5 million people watched the New Orleans Saints defeat the Indianapolis Colts, and this year’s audience is expected to top that — making it the most-watched show in American broadcast history. Even if 6.5 million people get up to go to the bathroom at halftime, there will still be 100 million pairs of eyes on The Black Eyed Peas.

          The amount of people who watched the Black Eyed Peas perform during halftime eclipses the amount of people who saw them live in concert approximately 100x over.

          Whether or not that's a good thing depends on what you thought of their performance. Still, expect them to see a big boost over the next week when it comes to record sales. It happened for Tom Petty in 2008. Plus, they got a free trip to Dallas, which is nice too.


          • #6
            Huh, i didn't think it was that bad. I like the peas and i thought it was a lot better than the 100 year old men named the who from last year. That's just me though.


            • #7
              I was waaaaaaaay more disappointed with the commercials. I thought they were absolutely horrible and not funny. Very disappointed with those!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                I was waaaaaaaay more disappointed with the commercials. I thought they were absolutely horrible and not funny. Very disappointed with those!!!
                Same here!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                  Huh, i didn't think it was that bad. I like the peas and i thought it was a lot better than the 100 year old men named the who from last year. That's just me though.
                  I am a huge BEP fan but the audio was horrible. Seems a lot of their sound is digital that does not translate well live


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                    I was waaaaaaaay more disappointed with the commercials. I thought they were absolutely horrible and not funny. Very disappointed with those!!!
                    I agree with you here. Very disappointing unless you are a HUGE Dorito fan


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Spark View Post
                      I am a huge BEP fan but the audio was horrible. Seems a lot of their sound is digital that does not translate well live
                      Yes, i thought the sound board had a couple issues but the lit suits and songs were both things i liked.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Spark View Post
                        I agree with you here. Very disappointing unless you are a HUGE Dorito fan
                        I literally saw 1 funny commercial all night. The only one i laughed at was the bud light one with the dogs bartending and hosting a party. Besides that


                        • #13
                          They definately screwed up fergie's mic when she started but i loved the "Dirty Bit" and the suits!


                          • #14
                            Now this is awesome ...


                            • #15
                              I agree Spark, thought it was lame and it went on forever. I figured by the time it was over, they could have done knee surgery on Woodson, and he would be done with his rehab in time for the 4th qtr.

