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Franklin incident latest episode in which ESPN hosts have demeaned female staff

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  • Franklin incident latest episode in which ESPN hosts have demeaned female staff

    Franklin incident latest episode in which ESPN hosts have demeaned female staff

    By Paul Farhi
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Monday, January 3, 2011; 7:59 PM
    ESPN, the sports network where male announcers have repeatedly faced disciplinary action in high-profile episodes of sexist behavior, has benched yet another host for his remarks to a female colleague.

    The network acknowledged Monday that it yanked one of its announcers, Ron Franklin, from covering the Fiesta Bowl college football game Saturday, reportedly after Franklin made belittling comments to sideline reporter Jeannine Edwards.

    Franklin, 68, allegedly called Edwards an insulting seven-letter word after she objected to being called "sweet baby" by Franklin during a conversation that took place at a pre-game production meeting Friday, hours before the pair were to cover another football game for ESPN.

    The incident is the latest in a long string of episodes in which prominent ESPN hosts have demeaned or engaged in sexual-harassing behavior toward the Disney-owned network's female employees.

    Baseball analyst Harold Reynolds was fired in 2006 after being accused of harassment by a female employee. Steve Phillips, another baseball analyst, lost his job in 2009 as a result of an affair with a much-younger production assistant who disclosed the relationship to Phillips's wife after he sought to break it off. In 2007, a makeup artist working on the since-canceled show "Cold Pizza" sued the program's co-hosts, alleging they groped and harassed her. (The suit was thrown out.)

    Last year, former Washington Post sports columnist Tony Kornheiser, co-star of the popular ESPN show "Pardon the Interruption," was suspended for critical comments he made on his local radio program about "SportsCenter" host Hannah Storm's clothes.

    Franklin, a veteran ESPN announcer, reportedly addressed another sideline reporter, Holly Rowe, as "sweetheart" during a 2005 broadcast. He later apologized to Rowe.

    The run-in prompted ESPN ombudsman George Solomon to observe at the time: "Play-by-play commentators need to take sideline reporters - many of whom are women - more seriously. So does ESPN, which needs to give these reporters more airtime and more serious issues to address."

    Franklin incident latest episode in which ESPN hosts have demeaned female staff