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Blatant fix...Indy / Philly

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  • #91
    GG is the man when it comes to picks


    • #92
      I almost never post, but I have been coming to this board for years. Imagine VolsFan if there was a guy who always took the other side of the argument with you JUST TO DO IT, at one point you would not think of it as his opinion, but would consider him someone who is being an ass and just wants to start an argument. And if you look at this thread for example, the name of this thread is: "Blatant Fix....Indy/Philly" not "I was f'd by referees in this game and they did a great job in all the other games". I am sure there has been times that you have vented to someone and the LAST thing you wanted to hear was "but you were lucky etc. in some other area". You knew 100% that you were going to start an argument, one that was completely unnecessary, when you posted what you did. I just do not understand why you can not let someone vent on OBVIOUS bad calls all through out the game and have to change the subject almost. If you do not see that you have consistently started arguments bc of what you have been posting in GG threads, you are truly a blindman. And if Spark(or any other moderator) would not take GG side in this one, it would be ridiculous.


      • #93
        Shit really does attract flys


        • #94
          Vols, you know I like you and think you are generally a good guy but sus is right on the money with this one and spark is right too imo. To play it off as you do nothing wrong or anything is simply put, not true. You know every backhanded comment or remark you make in greeks threads are going to do nothing but cause trouble and you continue to push his buttons. I'm sorry but it is easy to see from my seat and I think denying it just makes no sense.


          • #95
            Originally posted by SUS View Post
            I almost never post, but I have been coming to this board for years. Imagine VolsFan if there was a guy who always took the other side of the argument with you JUST TO DO IT, at one point you would not think of it as his opinion, but would consider him someone who is being an ass and just wants to start an argument. And if you look at this thread for example, the name of this thread is: "Blatant Fix....Indy/Philly" not "I was f'd by referees in this game and they did a great job in all the other games". I am sure there has been times that you have vented to someone and the LAST thing you wanted to hear was "but you were lucky etc. in some other area". You knew 100% that you were going to start an argument, one that was completely unnecessary, when you posted what you did. I just do not understand why you can not let someone vent on OBVIOUS bad calls all through out the game and have to change the subject almost. If you do not see that you have consistently started arguments bc of what you have been posting in GG threads, you are truly a blindman. And if Spark(or any other moderator) would not take GG side in this one, it would be ridiculous.
            Thanks for the advice.We have an in-game thread for people to bitch in but when you start a thread your asking for an opinion.Should I have just laughed it off and let him vent.Probably. But how much fun would that have been right.


            • #96
              Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
              Shit really does attract flys

              I resemble that remark !!!!
              jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


              • #97
                Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                Vols, you know I like you and think you are generally a good guy but sus is right on the money with this one and spark is right too imo. To play it off as you do nothing wrong or anything is simply put, not true. You know every backhanded comment or remark you make in greeks threads are going to do nothing but cause trouble and you continue to push his buttons. I'm sorry but it is easy to see from my seat and I think denying it just makes no sense.
                Your opinion means alot to me. I'm not denying that I didn't do nothing wrong but I'm sure I was the first person he thought of when he decided to start this thread. So I gave him what he wanted. He likes to push my buttons just the same as I do his. It won't happen again.It aint worth it.


                • #98
                  What happened to the first post when GG said "FOR MY HATERS AND BASHERS... COME ON IN AND ATTACK...


                  Guess that didnt last long.

                  Also what happened to the no name calling rule? Does that only apply to some people not others?

                  Im sure all the golden geeks (my name for GG followers that run to his defense) will bash me as usual for this. All I have to say to the bashers is FOR MY HATERS AND BASHERS... COME ON IN AND ATTACK...



                  • #99
                    Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                    Thanks for the advice.We have an in-game thread for people to bitch in but when you start a thread your asking for an opinion.Should I have just laughed it off and let him vent.Probably. But how much fun would that have been right.
                    I did not say you should not have given your opinion, but it should have been along the lines of: "yes I think referees did a bad job" or "No I do not think referees did a bad job" given the title of the thread. You basically changed the subject to needle him. Now if you would have started 3 threads about San Diego, Oakland and Minny game, that would have at least been funnier


                    • Originally posted by longnex View Post
                      What happened to the first post when GG said "FOR MY HATERS AND BASHERS... COME ON IN AND ATTACK...


                      Guess that didnt last long.

                      Also what happened to the no name calling rule? Does that only apply to some people not others?

                      Im sure all the golden geeks (my name for GG followers that run to his defense) will bash me as usual for this. All I have to say to the bashers is FOR MY HATERS AND BASHERS... COME ON IN AND ATTACK...


                      I just went back and read GG's first post in this thread and thats exactly what it says.
                      In my opinion, that leaves the door open for "haters and bashers" to come in and "attack".

                      GG opened the door with that post and when a "hater and basher," namely Vols, came in and said what he did, GG responded with the name calling. There was NO name calling by Vols.
                      I have no dog in this fight and do I believe that Vols was trying to ruffle feathers - yes he was. He doesnt get along with GG and thats obvious.
                      But GG opened the door in his first post and then responded with the cursing at a "hater and basher" whom HE invited in to do so. GG was out of line with the cursing when HE was the one that invited the "haters and bashers" in.
                      Just my opinion
                      jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                      • Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
                        I just went back and read GG's first post in this thread and thats exactly what it says.
                        In my opinion, that leaves the door open for "haters and bashers" to come in and "attack".

                        GG opened the door with that post and when a "hater and basher," namely Vols, came in and said what he did, GG responded with the name calling. There was NO name calling by Vols.
                        I have no dog in this fight and do I believe that Vols was trying to ruffle feathers - yes he was. He doesnt get along with GG and thats obvious.
                        But GG opened the door in his first post and then responded with the cursing at a "hater and basher" whom HE invited in to do so. GG was out of line with the cursing when HE was the one that invited the "haters and bashers" in.
                        Just my opinion
                        I could give a fuck less and I told myself I was going to stay out, but I agree 100%


                        • Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
                          I just went back and read GG's first post in this thread and thats exactly what it says.
                          In my opinion, that leaves the door open for "haters and bashers" to come in and "attack".

                          GG opened the door with that post and when a "hater and basher," namely Vols, came in and said what he did, GG responded with the name calling. There was NO name calling by Vols.
                          I have no dog in this fight and do I believe that Vols was trying to ruffle feathers - yes he was. He doesnt get along with GG and thats obvious.
                          But GG opened the door in his first post and then responded with the cursing at a "hater and basher" whom HE invited in to do so. GG was out of line with the cursing when HE was the one that invited the "haters and bashers" in.
                          Just my opinion


                          • Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
                            do I believe that Vols was trying to ruffle feathers - yes he was. But GG opened the door in his first post and then responded with the cursing at a "hater and basher" whom HE invited in to do so. GG was out of line with the cursing when HE was the one that invited the "haters and bashers" in.
                            Just my opinion
                            Yes I was ruffling his feathers. He wants me to do it just as much as I enjoy doing it. I come in and then all his peeps come to the rescue and it makes him feel good. I was wrong no doubt.I should have took the high road but I didn't. I have enough drama in my own life then to come here and face it on the internet too. Back to fun and games for me here on BC and GG can have at it all he wants. I'm not taking the bait again.


                            • Darryl, I agree 100% about the name calling and I have said that to spark 100 times and I know he has said it to dino too. The problem is once you poke the bear and the bear bites your finger off, its not equal treatment but you do not penalize the bear for doing what he does, you tell people not to stick their hand in there and it won't happen. Now if the bear goes crazy without being poked, you take care of him. Sorry, it is the bst analogy I got.

                              Hey I'm no stranger to this. Me and mavs can't ever seem to agree on anything so we just avoid each other.

                              On the other side, me and kaptain exchanged some rough emails about greek a few months back and since I didn't agree with him, he left for awhile. We used to get along great but because of a dispute over a poster, he refuses to talk to me now and wishes that guy gl now. Go figure, the guy we argued over gets the gl and now he hates me instead. I've even wished him gl and said I hope his family is doing well more than once with no response. Such is life I guess.

                              You can't control other peoples feelings but one thing you can do is control your own and even I am still learning that.


                              • Originally posted by wayne1218
                                Darryl, I agree 100% about the name calling and I have said that to spark 100 times and I know he has said it to dino too. The problem is once you try to take a Big Mac away from Dimer and Dimer bites your finger off, its not equal treatment but you do not penalize Dimer for doing what he does, you tell people not to stick their hand in there and it won't happen. Now if Dimer goes crazy without any food in front of him, you take care of him. Sorry, it is the bst analogy I got.
                                Thats more like it

