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Happy Birthday Spark!!!!

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  • #31
    Happy Birthday, Joe.

    Hope all is well. Have a great day, bro.


    • #32
      Just saw this. Hope you had a great day buddy.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Spark View Post
        Thank You everyone ... I certainly appreciate all the kind words ....

        Now I know what it feels like to turn 4000 ...
        Happy Birthday Spark, we don't care how old you are, we just love ya for what you can still do! And you do it well Sir!


        • #34
          Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
          Happy Birthday Spark, we don't care how old you are, we just love ya for what you can still do! And you do it well Sir!


          • #35
            Happy Birthday Joe. Since you were born before Jesus, if you could have just walked on water back in the day, we'd be celebrating Sparkmas today.


            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #36
              Thanks again everyone ... I had a good day ... and you people made it that much better .... Your the best

              KB, you are an awful liar ...

              but thanks pal ...


              • #37
                I knew that dingbat would sell me out


                • #38
                  I am a little late here. Happy Birthday Spark!


                  • #39
                    Happy Birthday Old Timer. Missed this thread.
                    "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                    • #40
                      Happy B'Day PAPI----belated of course

                      I know I'm late,
                      what else is new...
                      But; here's a belated
                      Happy B'day to you....

                      When we first met on the Forum,
                      you shot out a "SASSY" DART...
                      Wondering if it was OK,
                      to call me an "Old Fart"....

                      Papi, friends you just can't,
                      try to pick and choose....
                      They just come naturally,
                      and true ones "You don't abuse"...

                      From day one podna,
                      we both knew it was real...
                      A "Friendship" was generating,
                      That only true friends can feel....

                      For 6 1/2 years of steady postings,
                      It has been a very rewarding ride...
                      You have been fair and courteous,
                      though we've been on different sides...

                      I love ya "Pal O Mine",
                      You're one of my top friends to Pick...
                      Now, I guess, I've opened the door,
                      For Jimmys' famous "Motel Six"...

                      Stay as you are PAPI....
                      A personality that's hard to beat...
                      I hope some day, in my lifetime,
                      we'll have a chance "in person""to meet"...

                      It seems like just the other day,
                      when you and I were both "NEW"...
                      but it's been 6 1/2 years now,
                      and Bc is fortunate to have you...

                      In regards to your B'day....
                      Hope you were safe and had fun...
                      And here's to you Old PAPI....
                      May there be "Many More" to come....

                      Love ya're the Rooster in the Hen House.....know what I mean Verne...

                      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                      • #41
                        Very nice Kapt


                        • #42
                          Wow, sorry I missed your Birthday Spark, been on vacation some.

                          Hope you had a great day and many more my friend!!!

                          NBA is a joke


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Kaptain View Post
                            I know I'm late,
                            what else is new...
                            But; here's a belated
                            Happy B'day to you....

                            When we first met on the Forum,
                            you shot out a "SASSY" DART...
                            Wondering if it was OK,
                            to call me an "Old Fart"....

                            Papi, friends you just can't,
                            try to pick and choose....
                            They just come naturally,
                            and true ones "You don't abuse"...

                            From day one podna,
                            we both knew it was real...
                            A "Friendship" was generating,
                            That only true friends can feel....

                            For 6 1/2 years of steady postings,
                            It has been a very rewarding ride...
                            You have been fair and courteous,
                            though we've been on different sides...

                            I love ya "Pal O Mine",
                            You're one of my top friends to Pick...
                            Now, I guess, I've opened the door,
                            For Jimmys' famous "Motel Six"...

                            Stay as you are PAPI....
                            A personality that's hard to beat...
                            I hope some day, in my lifetime,
                            we'll have a chance "in person""to meet"...

                            It seems like just the other day,
                            when you and I were both "NEW"...
                            but it's been 6 1/2 years now,
                            and Bc is fortunate to have you...

                            In regards to your B'day....
                            Hope you were safe and had fun...
                            And here's to you Old PAPI....
                            May there be "Many More" to come....

                            Love ya're the Rooster in the Hen House.....know what I mean Verne...

                            WOW!!! Now I know why you were late ... It took you a week to write that out

                            That is awesome Kapt ... those words are so true ... we have had our differences on and off the field but one thing never changed ... our respect and friendship for each other ...

                            I am so proud to call you my buddy ... and hopefully we will meet up someday so I can tell you in person ... Love ya YOF!!!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                              Wow, sorry I missed your Birthday Spark, been on vacation some.

                              Hope you had a great day and many more my friend!!!

                              Thank you flare ... hope you had a great vaca pal


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                                Wow, sorry I missed your Birthday Spark, been on vacation some.

                                Hope you had a great day and many more my friend!!!

                                Flare,don't beat yourself up.Spark has had like 140 birthdays.Your bound to miss one of them

