There ya' go .... a guy doesn't post for a couple O days and BAM
there goes the NASCAR Forum 
Wanna get my picks in today .... who ya' like ?
Three big leans for me .... could be ezly Five !
$$$ Helio (to repeat) Pole & WIN +250
Will Power +600
Briscoe +400 (Helio's teammate)
Couple of longshots :
Tagliani +2000
T. Bell (incl. in field) +2500
More later
gl Racefans (2 that R left here)

Wanna get my picks in today .... who ya' like ?
Three big leans for me .... could be ezly Five !
$$$ Helio (to repeat) Pole & WIN +250
Will Power +600
Briscoe +400 (Helio's teammate)
Couple of longshots :
Tagliani +2000
T. Bell (incl. in field) +2500
More later

gl Racefans (2 that R left here)