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Lebron the new AROD?

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  • Lebron the new AROD?

    this guy is a big idiot....He said the Cavs have a good chance to win in boston because they "have me." Well asshole, they had you in a better situation in cleveland and you couldnt close the deal......He also said he spoiled people with his play..what the freak is that? This fool doesnt know how to act ...Kobe and even Jordan would never say shit like that....He blamed his teamates last year after losing to the magic saying " I did my job, dont ask me what happened?"....truth is he choked last year and he choked last night...simple as that...his elbow didnt hurt in game 3 when he had a "good" game...Really, whats going on with this clown????
    Last edited by DAREALDEAL; 05-12-2010, 11:22 PM.

  • #2
    lebron can't be arod........ arod has a ring!! bwahahahahahahah!


    • #3
      some dude on espn yesterday was speculating Lebron might be depressed..He wasnt his usual self.. he was showing off his suits, his bling bling..he wasnt in a playful mood..During the game he looked lost, didnt have the drive..who knows...

      What I dont understand is thhat the guy is a freakin beast.. If he wants to score on every play all he has to do is drive to the lane..he will either get a dunk or will get fouled..That last game I cant even recall him driving once. all outside shots...very odd!


      • #4
        I was listening to Colin Cowherd on ESPN while on the road last night. He speculates that LeBron was making a statement to Cavaliers' management. "I don't have anyone on the team that can pick up any slack when I don't play well." Kobe has Pau Gasol who picks up the slack when he takes a night off. Boston has 3 A players. Cleveland has Lebron. He won't be playing in Cleveland next year. I'm not saying that I agree with Cowherd's theory but it's plausible.


        • #5
          Originally posted by garth View Post
          I was listening to Colin Cowherd on ESPN while on the road last night. He speculates that LeBron was making a statement to Cavaliers' management. "I don't have anyone on the team that can pick up any slack when I don't play well." Kobe has Pau Gasol who picks up the slack when he takes a night off. Boston has 3 A players. Cleveland has Lebron. He won't be playing in Cleveland next year. I'm not saying that I agree with Cowherd's theory but it's plausible.
          LROD just choked...he did look lost and confused thee last two games...dude hasisues...knicks better watch out signing this choke job

