Originally posted by wayne1218
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That being said,it has nothing to do with him hating anyone but he is in pools that cost $100 a week per driver and pays between $1000-$1500 a week to the winner. IMO $25 over 36 races just don't get his juices going. To me Nascar 21 and Survivor are the greates pools around cause you invest $25 for 36 weeks and the money is nice but the pride of winning is well worth the $25.If me, you and KB was tied for 50th with one race to go we would all be talking shit and trying to finish 49th just for bragging rights.Fix don't do shit for bragging rights.If he ain't making money,he ain't happy.Thats not a bad thing but thats not why most of us play in nascar pools.Fun is important to me.