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  • Gt/gm

    I hope nobody took the OVER in this game.
    This is hard to watch.Turnovers,missed lay-ups,missed free throws,I cant understand why Georg Mason coach has changed his gameplan today.Yesterday they were an up-tempo,drive to the bucket team that almost beat Villanova,the number 6 team in the country.Today he has his team walking the ball up the court,running set plays and its not working.Why would you change something that was working?
    I cant understand it.

  • #2
    What do you like tonight or this weekend Creep ?


    • #3
      Im taking the teams that are FCKN losing............
      Celtics...............the start of the NBA season is so FCKN unpredictable Im considering going back to selling illegal substances to get money.FCK the law.Id rather take a chance of getting popped than to keep losing my FCKN cool betting on this SHT.
      My hands have been swollen for the last month betting on these FCKN inconsistent fools.Good thing Football has been keeping me from going to jail.


      • #4
        Someone please tell me what the FCK are the Cleveland Cavaliers doing in the second half other than putting my freedom in jeopardy?


        • #5
          You have got to be FCKN kidding me.
          Cavs score 11 FCKN points in the 3rd quarter.


          • #6
            What a relief,I had the ice ready.
            Now I need the Celtics and Bucks/Bobcats OVER 182............
            They scored 55 in the first and now they cant score SHT.19 points with 3:42 in the 2cnd.WTF?


            • #7
              I just cant understand this SHT.First qyarter 55 points.Second quarter.....SHT.
              I relieze that teams play their second string in the second quarter but if the drop-off is this bad,Id just play my first team the whole first half to build a lead and play my second string sparingly,how the FCK can there be a 30 point difference from the first string and second string with professional athletes?


              • #8
                I had the pacers

                fukers score 13 points in the 4th


                • #9
                  I feel for you man.Cavs score 11 in the 3rd.Its just too early to get a feel for these teams.That game could have gone either way,looked good for you after three,than fell apart,Ive been dealing with that SHT all year so far.
                  I got lucky with Cavs covering so Ill probably get FCKD with my remaining 2 plays.....
                  Celticas-6,Milw/Char OVER 182.


                  • #10
                    Just like I said,Im going to get FCKD,Char.and Milw arent scoring SHT in the second half.
                    Celtics cant put a run together.First they giveth than they taketh away...........


                    • #11
                      Bobcats game.....this is how its going...............Bobcats turnover,Bucks turnover,Bobcats missed lay-up,Bucks turnover,Bobcats missed free throw...........WTF?


                      • #12
                        Bobcats are the worst team in the NBA.
                        I may just bet against them for the rest of the season.
                        Larry Brown should be fired.


                        • #13
                          I kinda wish that the Cavs would have not covered....
                          The sooner I flip out the better,If It keeps getting worse,the more people its going to affect.I need to stop gambling.I will never be happy with this recreation.Once you take your well being out of your own hands,your a FCKN idiot.


                          • #14
                            Wallace cant hit SHT tonight.


                            • #15
                              This Bobcats game is the worst excuse of a game I have ever seen in my life.
                              These are the worst FCKN bums I have ever seen try to play in my life.How can people pay to watch SHT like this?

