Brian FUentes fucking sucks!!!!!fuck the umpires too
spic fuck can't get a third out!!!!! thats why angels won't do well in playoffs. there bullpen fucking sucks. fuck the umpires too. bullshit strike 3 twice. fuck the redsox fuck baseball.
your word is your bond
Fuentes did himself no favors last night as his Figgins and Aybar made some nice plays to keep the ball in the infield.
The "check swing" was no doubt a missed called as even the Boston hitter knew that he had NOT checked his swing...oh well move on and we will see them in the playoffs when it counts.
The fact is that Fuentes threw four strikes in the key at bat.
Not only was the 3-2 pitch a strike, the checked swing earlier in the count was a strike also. Look at the facial reaction of the hitter. He knew he swung and was furious with himself. He was as shocked as anybody a strike wasn't called.
By the way, innings like that are how teams get seven game win streaks. When you're hot, you get the breaks