ScoresandOdds discontinued their free live score phones,
Anybody know of another free live score phone?
Wow--I was wondering with all the internet phone stuff..internet this was an option anymore..I stopped using this a few years ago...412-645-9800...was the number I used and I just called it and you are so right...
Akron 800-682-6222 Louisville 812-941-9090
Albany 518-455-8900 Memphis 901-684-1313
Alexandria 703-660-8700 Miami 305-669-5433
Atlanta 404-842-1313 Milwaukee 414-329-9800
Baltimore 410-484-1818 Mobile 251-666-5400
Birmingham 205-945-5544 Montgomery 800-524-4116
Boston 617-723-1818 Nashville 615-244-8888
Buffalo 716-824-2525 New Haven, CT 800-828-4455
Charleston, SC 843-769-7200 New Orleans 504-456-9700
Charlotte 704-342-1313 New York City 800-355-0004
Chicago 312-609-1313 Newark 800-878-8736
Cincinnati 513-861-8900 Norfolk 804-461-1818
Cleveland 216-623-1313 Philadelphia 215-471-3000
Columbia, SC 803-765-1313 Phoenix 602-264-9393
Dallas 972-423-3111 Pittsburgh 412-645-9800
Dayton 800-682-6222 Providence 401-831-2211
Dothan, AL 800-524-4116 Richmond 804-359-9400
Evansville 800-711-0002 Rochester 585-454-1616
Fort Lauderdale 954-698-9500 San Francisco 415-956-1313
Greenville, SC 864-370-2828 Scranton, PA 570-342-6500
Harrisburg, PA 717-232-8200 South Jersey 856-541-0500
Hartford 860-646-1122 Springfield, MA 800-828-4455
Honolulu 808-591-2808 St. Louis 314-645-6900
Houston 713-774-1200 Syracuse 315-437-1313
Huntsville, AL 800-524-4116 Tampa 813-628-0505
Indianapolis 317-685-8550 Trenton, NJ 609-888-5555
Knoxville 865-560-3200 Tulsa 918-495-1818
Lexington, KY 800-711-0002 Tuscaloosa 800-524-4116
Little Rock 501-376-0707 Washington, DC 202-898-1818
Long Island 800-355-0004 Worchester, MA 800-828-4455
Los Angeles 213-483-3636 Youngstown 800-682-6222