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I never wanna hear that this shit isnt fixed ever again !!!!

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  • 64 million.Wow.I guess thats the legal money, no telling what the total illegal money was.32 million won,I'm sure the cut of that to an official/player who would throw a game would be very large.


    • WFAN RADIO AND ESPN RADIO both saying something wasnt right on the call..They arent going as far as saying that it was "fixed", but they said it needs to be investigated bc it was a horrible call, not enough evenidence to overturn, 69% of bettors has pitt and only 1 penatly was called on SD...they said over $65million was swung on that TD not including off shore and local accounts


      • i was hoping not to get involved with this last nightwhen greek first posted this,but here i am. i would ,however like to lose the tag wanna be sharp. i discovered back in 72-73 in the nba when on one night in february the 76ers who had one or 2 wins at the time, when they finished the season with maybe nine total,were only getting one point from the knicks,who at that point had 30 [plus wins . they were led by frazier,monroe,reed, bradley,russell,and company. the 6ers won by 25 plus points. i watched the game and i can tell you that all of the knicks should have received their bricklayers membersip cards. it was this game that i discovered that there were holes in pointswpreads,and in all sports. fixed ,contolled,whatever you want to call it. i only wager because i do believe they are contolled,because it is my opinion that if they were on the up and up,A would kick the crap out of B everytime unless the lucky punch happened.
        i can give a million examples in all sports that i have seen,and more so then not it has not gone against me. i always said that many times you can watch sports,know what the spread is,not bet,and yet watch the game revolve around the spread.


        • sorry just a little more. if somebody calls someone a square,i wouldnt be pissed because to me all that it means is that it is someone who takes in alot of info and stats,then makes their pick based on that info. a sharp in most cases also peruses alot of info on games,but by his numbers something dosent match up match up. i have not seen the play as of yet. that game was not on yesterdays radar,but i feel that what happened was reported correctly.for me its just another typical nfl game
          Last edited by len caprisecca; 11-17-2008, 03:46 PM.


          • christ,i have more of an effect than e f hutton.


            • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
              64 million.Wow.I guess thats the legal money, no telling what the total illegal money was.32 million won,I'm sure the cut of that to an official/player who would throw a game would be very large.
              I am pretty sure there are just as much wgered on the other games.


              • bottomline= refs fucked up the last play. final score should have been 18-10. feel bad for steeler betters. chargers betters got lucky. shit happens!!!! time to move past this. the sport that is really fixed is nba basketball!!!! enough said!!!
                THINK POSITIVE!!!!! BE POSITIVE!!!!!! IN LIFE
                your word is your bond


                • Originally posted by thaikarate1 View Post
                  I am pretty sure there are just as much wgered on the other games.
                  They just had on ESPN the Head from The Hilton Sports book and he said by far there was more money bet on this game than any other on yesterday and they needed SD to Cover really bad,


                  • Originally posted by SteinDallas View Post
                    They just had on ESPN the Head from The Hilton Sports book and he said by far there was more money bet on this game than any other on yesterday and they needed SD to Cover really bad,
                    I think I read some place that usually the 4pm National game each week was the most 'bet' game of a typical NFL Regular Season weekend. I believe it was in an article I read last year but could be wrong.
                    Three Jack's Record


                    • Questions, comments, complaints:


                      • Originally posted by jcindaville View Post



                        • Originally posted by GOLDENGREEK View Post

                          If Pitt was favored by 10 .... and that exact play happens with that exact score , the TD counts - PERIOD !!!!

                          No review , no discussion its a TD

                          The "OFFENSE" can't advance a forward lateral, but says NOTHING about the defense in the event of a fumble. Also - why did the NFL make an official statement 30 minutes after the game saying the "the TD should have stood, and the officials were wrong"?? THAT'S proof the officials were incorrect and the TD was legitimate. NFL should officially change the score in that game to 17-10. Period!!!


                          • Mike Francesa from WFAn in NY said on his radio show about an hour ago that he heard from sources that the ref went under the hood, ruled it a TD as he was walking back onto the field another ref went over to him and said something and he changed it to NO TD... Mike said
                            if this is true, this will be pandoras box"....aND YES, the NFL and the REF said it was a mistake and should have been a TD..


                            • They are hanging on to this tidbit forward lateral nonsense because without that they would have nothing. When they ruled no TD they did not know why they were making that ruling at the time...all they knew was they had a ruling to make. Nothing will come of this but trust me an NFL at 4 on a Sunday is going to draw a ton more attention than some random Thursday late night NBA game. Also on a side note keep an eye on lots of NCAA totals that have big discrepancies in the opening and closing number and watch how many times the total lands in between those numbers.

                              I know what Lenny said a few posts ago makes perfect sense abotu soft lines/traps and I swear to God this was the first game that stuck out at me when I saw the opener at 3.5.......I was like if there is a trap its this game here.



                              • If you think games are fixed, fade the public.

