Frank you are just a grumpy ass old man. You are just pissed off cause your giants suck and will not make the playoffs. GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!
I'm not pissed at all. I'm a huge Giants fan but this grumpy ass old man puts things in their proper perspective. The NY football Giants are about #10 in what's important in my every day life. They're important for 3 hours each week.
You didnt' see me creating posts HOW ABOUT THEM GIANTS when they won the SB or after beating Dallas in their stadium opener or when the Giants were sitting at 5-0. Why? How about the fact you didn't bump this thread until after week 9. In fact it was almost a year to the day you last posted in this thread. What does that say about DEM COWBOYS?
You don't see it from Colts fans or Saints fan. We only see if from whiney bitch Dem Cowboy fans. Dallas hasn't won a meaningful game in 14 seasons.
So, I'll ask again, How come no other fan for any team starts these ridiculous threads????
I work with waaaaaaaaay too many Dallas fans. They ALL talk a LOT in September, October and November. Come December and January, i can't seem to find them every year. They must be off shoveling snow or something!