We are RED HOT RIGHT NOW as the winning continues. I went 3-1 on Tuesday winning with Carolina Hurricane, Buffalo Sabers and Texas Rangers, losing only with the Cubbies in the afternoon! I have told you about my results time after time and the month of May has continued right where April left off-WINNING!. Why not begin a winning streak that will turn your season around? For only $15 per day, you could be so far ahead losing weeks would be just memories. I don't know how to put it any plainer to you....I JUST WIN. You need to make the decision to join the ranks of my winning clients and start cashing like never before. It is not too late. Contact me at my email address: [email protected] to find out about our subscription plans that will save you even more money. I accept PayPal, Firepay and Neteller for your convenience. LET THE WINNING BEGIN!! My comp play today is in the NBA: Milwaukee-Detroit UNDER 194 1/2.
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EK Sports Associates Starts Week Off Right Going 3-1!!