Royal Flush Sports Consultants
We hit our College Basketball Game of the Week on Thursday with UAB. This saturday we are releasing 5 plays, along with our Underdog Game of the Year!!!!
We are offering an unbelievable deal for the members of the Bettorschat Forum. This weekend and this weekend only you can receive all of our plays, Saturday and Sunday for $20.00. The catch is you only need to pay if we show you a profit!!! We won't ask for any of your information until Monday, if we show you a profit and you feel like the $20 is fair, we'll settle up on Monday. We at RFSC would just like to give everyone here the opportunity to see what type of service we offer!!!
We never hype big games and are largest play is a 5 Star!!! Today's underdog play is rated 3.5 Stars....If you're interested please email us at royalflushsportsconsultants@hotmai .com!!
We won't harass you, or ask for any of your information. We are running this special for members of Bettorschat only, so please make reference to that in your email!!!
Comp Play For Saturday Auburn-South Carolina Over 127
Good Luck and We look forward to hearing from you!!!!!
Please remember nothing can beat a Royal Flush!!!!!!