chung here-ive got donbest service-the line at the major books was pretty solid 8 until about 20 minutes till gametime-when it dropped to 7- across the board. the guys seeing the 8- and 9s probably with their locals who get a lot of favorite action.been going terrible-but got the lucky win on wisc./the lucky push on the miracle over when they sent west va. to the 1st ot.all things considered glad ive only gotta take the man 1200.00 this week/// hats off to wisc-milw./west va./bucknell and last but not least vermont-who by the way probably has 2 stars who will get drafted in the 1st 3 rounds-covey leader to raven-raven out!!don waggener-aka the swami- of alleghenies analysis the service i use is counting it a push..
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re;savage and old line