Monday - 1/24/05
Free Selection - CBB - Take New Mexico -1.5 vs, BYU
Lim's Monday Night Recap- Lim "The Closer" Nguyen was documented 19-4-1 on Monday Night Football this season is documented 8-1 on Monday Night in the Hoops nailing the last 5 Monday Night Hoop WINNERS in a ROW at http://www.jrtips.com/!
Gentlemen, those of you who need to BAILOUT or just want to stick it to your book TONIGHT, the Monday Night CLOSER, Lim Nguyen is BACK AGAIN to BAIL you out with both SIDE and TOTAL like he did the LAST FIVE Monday Night's this season in the Hoops at http://www.jrtips.com./ 3X MGM Champion Lim Nguyen has been THE BEST Monday Night CLOSER ALL YEAR with a documented 19-4-1 Monday Night Football record which included 8 Monday Night parlays at http://www.jrtips.com/ and NOW Lim is documented 8-1 in the hoops on Monday Night nailing his last 5 Monday Night Hoops WINNERS in a ROW! Monday Night is the most important night of the week for the majority of our clients, so we hired the 3X MGM Champion Lim Nguyen to do one job at http://www.jrtips.com/ and that is to make sure our clients WIN on Monday Night at http://www.jrtips.com/. Lim Nguyen will do his job again TONIGHT like he has done all season long and GUARANTEE you a Monday Night Hoop WINNER in the NBA TONIGHT at http://www.jrtips.com./ Result's speak for themselves, Lim has CLOSED OUT the week on Monday Night the last FIVE weeks with a GUARANTEED Hoop WINNER at http://www.jrtips.com/! TONIGHT, there is ONLY ONE GUARANTEED WINNER in the NBA and Lim has it, if you need to CLOSE OUT the week with a GUARANTEED WINNER, put it in the hands of the 3X MGM Champion who has gone a documented 8-1 this season in the hoops on Monday Night at http://www.jrtips.com/! Gentlemen, if your not WINNING, take a look at the results, Jimmy Reilly, our team of handicappers, scouts and GUEST CAPPERS work as a team to GUARANTEE our clients make a PROFIT EVERY WEEK with our Money Management System. This is the best time of the year for a professional gambler because the Basketball season is in full swing. Oddsmakers have to post lines in the hoops EVERY DAY and naturally their are going to be MISTAKES when lines has to be posted in a 24 hour period! Our job at http://www.,jrtips.com/ is to obtain the RIGHT INSIDE INFORMATION AND STAY ON TOP OF EACH AND EVERY LINE that will allow us to continue to EXPLOIT these MISTAKES made by the oddsmakers! Jimmy Reilly and his team of handicappers receive INSIDE INFORMATION DAILY that GUARANTEES you make a PROFIT EVERY WEEK with our Money Management System at http://www.jrtips.com/! TONIGHT is the most important game of the week to hit because it can either make or break your week! Lim Nguyen has been THE BEST CLOSER over the past 3 years on Monday Night at http://www.jrtips.com/ because he has come through more in the clutch as shown by his documented records on Monday Night the past 3 years at http://www.jrtips.com/ Tonight's lines are sharp because the public is trying to get their money back from the past week! Mr. Nguyen has pointed out to Jimmy Reilly that because so many people are wagering on tonight's hoop games, you will see a 1/2 point to 2 movement in the final line of many games throughout the day which means to public is confused! Gentlemen, Lim "The Closer" Nguyen has done it all year and if you need a GUARANTEED WINNER TONIGHT, Lim will send you to bed a WINNER with his 10,000,000* MONDAY NIGHT NBA GUARANTEED BAILOUT SPECIAL at http://www.jrtips.com/.
Receive our 10,000,000* BAILOUT SPECIAL Monday Night GUARANTEED NBA WINNER RIGHT NOW from MGM Champion Lim Nguyen plus 3 BEST BETS from Jimmy Reilly TONIGHT at http://www.jrtips.com/. Take advantage of our DAILY SPECIAL that gives you Lim Nguyen's GUARANTEED BAILOUT MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL which is a documented 8-1 this Hoops season and BONUS College$ NBA TONIGHT from Jimmy Reilly at http://www.jrtips.com/ for only $35.00!!! Various other packages that best suit your needs are available on our homepage at http://www.jrtips.com/.
Monday - 1/24/05
Free Selection - CBB - Take New Mexico -1.5 vs, BYU
Lim's Monday Night Recap- Lim "The Closer" Nguyen was documented 19-4-1 on Monday Night Football this season is documented 8-1 on Monday Night in the Hoops nailing the last 5 Monday Night Hoop WINNERS in a ROW at http://www.jrtips.com/!
Gentlemen, those of you who need to BAILOUT or just want to stick it to your book TONIGHT, the Monday Night CLOSER, Lim Nguyen is BACK AGAIN to BAIL you out with both SIDE and TOTAL like he did the LAST FIVE Monday Night's this season in the Hoops at http://www.jrtips.com./ 3X MGM Champion Lim Nguyen has been THE BEST Monday Night CLOSER ALL YEAR with a documented 19-4-1 Monday Night Football record which included 8 Monday Night parlays at http://www.jrtips.com/ and NOW Lim is documented 8-1 in the hoops on Monday Night nailing his last 5 Monday Night Hoops WINNERS in a ROW! Monday Night is the most important night of the week for the majority of our clients, so we hired the 3X MGM Champion Lim Nguyen to do one job at http://www.jrtips.com/ and that is to make sure our clients WIN on Monday Night at http://www.jrtips.com/. Lim Nguyen will do his job again TONIGHT like he has done all season long and GUARANTEE you a Monday Night Hoop WINNER in the NBA TONIGHT at http://www.jrtips.com./ Result's speak for themselves, Lim has CLOSED OUT the week on Monday Night the last FIVE weeks with a GUARANTEED Hoop WINNER at http://www.jrtips.com/! TONIGHT, there is ONLY ONE GUARANTEED WINNER in the NBA and Lim has it, if you need to CLOSE OUT the week with a GUARANTEED WINNER, put it in the hands of the 3X MGM Champion who has gone a documented 8-1 this season in the hoops on Monday Night at http://www.jrtips.com/! Gentlemen, if your not WINNING, take a look at the results, Jimmy Reilly, our team of handicappers, scouts and GUEST CAPPERS work as a team to GUARANTEE our clients make a PROFIT EVERY WEEK with our Money Management System. This is the best time of the year for a professional gambler because the Basketball season is in full swing. Oddsmakers have to post lines in the hoops EVERY DAY and naturally their are going to be MISTAKES when lines has to be posted in a 24 hour period! Our job at http://www.,jrtips.com/ is to obtain the RIGHT INSIDE INFORMATION AND STAY ON TOP OF EACH AND EVERY LINE that will allow us to continue to EXPLOIT these MISTAKES made by the oddsmakers! Jimmy Reilly and his team of handicappers receive INSIDE INFORMATION DAILY that GUARANTEES you make a PROFIT EVERY WEEK with our Money Management System at http://www.jrtips.com/! TONIGHT is the most important game of the week to hit because it can either make or break your week! Lim Nguyen has been THE BEST CLOSER over the past 3 years on Monday Night at http://www.jrtips.com/ because he has come through more in the clutch as shown by his documented records on Monday Night the past 3 years at http://www.jrtips.com/ Tonight's lines are sharp because the public is trying to get their money back from the past week! Mr. Nguyen has pointed out to Jimmy Reilly that because so many people are wagering on tonight's hoop games, you will see a 1/2 point to 2 movement in the final line of many games throughout the day which means to public is confused! Gentlemen, Lim "The Closer" Nguyen has done it all year and if you need a GUARANTEED WINNER TONIGHT, Lim will send you to bed a WINNER with his 10,000,000* MONDAY NIGHT NBA GUARANTEED BAILOUT SPECIAL at http://www.jrtips.com/.
Receive our 10,000,000* BAILOUT SPECIAL Monday Night GUARANTEED NBA WINNER RIGHT NOW from MGM Champion Lim Nguyen plus 3 BEST BETS from Jimmy Reilly TONIGHT at http://www.jrtips.com/. Take advantage of our DAILY SPECIAL that gives you Lim Nguyen's GUARANTEED BAILOUT MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL which is a documented 8-1 this Hoops season and BONUS College$ NBA TONIGHT from Jimmy Reilly at http://www.jrtips.com/ for only $35.00!!! Various other packages that best suit your needs are available on our homepage at http://www.jrtips.com/.