1/8/05 - Free Slection - NBA - Utah +6
Friday Night Recap - Flip "Bankroll" Walters WINS again for the 5th straight time this week with his 10 Unit WINNER on the Lakers LAST NIGHT at www.usacappers.com.
IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD, they call Flip "Bankroll" Walters the NEW KING ON THE NET because he is ABSOLUTELY DESTROYING the BOOKS EVERY WEEK at www.usacappers.com! Flip has hit FIVE straight 10 Unit WINNERS since Monday! We told you LAST NIGHT, jump on board because Flip is in the middle of one of his legendary WINNING STREAKS that he is known for. Over the years, Flip "Bankroll" Walters has WON numerous Sports Betting Contest by a landslide hitting 20-30 straight WINNERS in a ROW! Right NOW, Flip is in the middle of one of his WINNING streaks, Monday Night, (W Virginia Tech), Tuesday (W Over the Total, USC/Oklahoma), Wednesday (W Boston College) Thursday (Over the Total, SA/Indiana) LAST NIGHT, Lakers and TODAY, TWO 10 Unit WINNERS with his College Basketball Game of the Year and his NFL 1st round Playoff Game of the Year!!!
Look at what Flip has done already, documented records of 68.7% in the College Football, 72.4% in the Pro Football, 76.2% in the NBA and 77.8% in the College Hoops, already this week, Flip "bankroll" Walters is documented 5-0 in the HOOPS the LAST FOUR NIGHT'S at www.usacappers.com! This is just what Flip Walters has been doing for over a decade as he as WON 8 National and International Sports betting contest over the past 6 years! ALL clients who sign up TODAY will receive TWO 10 Unit WINNERS in the College Hoops and NFL, this is Flip's #1 College Hoops selections of the Year and his #1 1st Round Playoff game of the Year! You will also receive BONUS TOP RATED selections from the USA Sports Advisors ALL TODAY at www.usacappers.com! The buzz has been going around in the industry of the success of Flip "Bankroll" Walters, see what everyone is talking about as Flip continues his WINNING STEAK TODAY in the NFL and College Hoops!
Jump on Flip's WINNING streak as he goes for 20 on a ROW! Sign up today for our MONTHLY package that will give you ALL our TOP SELECTIONS for an ENTIRE MONTH FOR ONLY $119.99 in ALL SPORTS from Flip Walters and his USA Sports Advisors at www.usacappers.com Check our home page for more packages to serve your needs at www.usacappers.com! In this business nobody's perfect, but our 10 Unit selections are as close to perfect as your going to get. Flip Walters is NOW documented an unheard of 86.2% with 10 Unit selections in the College Hoops this season at www.usacappers.com. ONCE AGAIN, the only question TODAY is, HOW MUCH will we COVER BY!
Friday Night Recap - Flip "Bankroll" Walters WINS again for the 5th straight time this week with his 10 Unit WINNER on the Lakers LAST NIGHT at www.usacappers.com.
IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD, they call Flip "Bankroll" Walters the NEW KING ON THE NET because he is ABSOLUTELY DESTROYING the BOOKS EVERY WEEK at www.usacappers.com! Flip has hit FIVE straight 10 Unit WINNERS since Monday! We told you LAST NIGHT, jump on board because Flip is in the middle of one of his legendary WINNING STREAKS that he is known for. Over the years, Flip "Bankroll" Walters has WON numerous Sports Betting Contest by a landslide hitting 20-30 straight WINNERS in a ROW! Right NOW, Flip is in the middle of one of his WINNING streaks, Monday Night, (W Virginia Tech), Tuesday (W Over the Total, USC/Oklahoma), Wednesday (W Boston College) Thursday (Over the Total, SA/Indiana) LAST NIGHT, Lakers and TODAY, TWO 10 Unit WINNERS with his College Basketball Game of the Year and his NFL 1st round Playoff Game of the Year!!!
Look at what Flip has done already, documented records of 68.7% in the College Football, 72.4% in the Pro Football, 76.2% in the NBA and 77.8% in the College Hoops, already this week, Flip "bankroll" Walters is documented 5-0 in the HOOPS the LAST FOUR NIGHT'S at www.usacappers.com! This is just what Flip Walters has been doing for over a decade as he as WON 8 National and International Sports betting contest over the past 6 years! ALL clients who sign up TODAY will receive TWO 10 Unit WINNERS in the College Hoops and NFL, this is Flip's #1 College Hoops selections of the Year and his #1 1st Round Playoff game of the Year! You will also receive BONUS TOP RATED selections from the USA Sports Advisors ALL TODAY at www.usacappers.com! The buzz has been going around in the industry of the success of Flip "Bankroll" Walters, see what everyone is talking about as Flip continues his WINNING STEAK TODAY in the NFL and College Hoops!
Jump on Flip's WINNING streak as he goes for 20 on a ROW! Sign up today for our MONTHLY package that will give you ALL our TOP SELECTIONS for an ENTIRE MONTH FOR ONLY $119.99 in ALL SPORTS from Flip Walters and his USA Sports Advisors at www.usacappers.com Check our home page for more packages to serve your needs at www.usacappers.com! In this business nobody's perfect, but our 10 Unit selections are as close to perfect as your going to get. Flip Walters is NOW documented an unheard of 86.2% with 10 Unit selections in the College Hoops this season at www.usacappers.com. ONCE AGAIN, the only question TODAY is, HOW MUCH will we COVER BY!