Free picks are 111-102 (+16.5 units) in 2004 overall.
Free Bottom Line College Football picks are 4-4 (-2 units) so far this season.
Premium College Football record is 25-15 (+42.5 units) so far this season.
Premium NFL record is 22-13 (+38.5 units) so far this season.
Overall football record for 2004 so far: 47-28 (+81 units)!
Currently ranked #3 for combined college and NFL at National Sports Monitor!
Currently ranked #3 in college football at TrackPicks!
Currently ranked #3 in college football at Ultimate Handicapping Challenge!
Currently ranked #4 in the NFL at TrackPicks!
Currently ranked #4 in the NFL at National Sports Monitor!
Currently ranked #6 in the NFL at Ultimate Handicapping Challenge!
Free 1-unit World Series Game 4 Freebie for October 27th:
Take Boston/St. Louis Over 10 runs (Lowe/Marquis) -120
As you can see above it has been a solid season for my Total Football Pass members and I have reduced the cost of the pass to only $219 for this week! You'll get every selection I make from now through Super Bowl XXXVIIII for that LOW price! To sign up and join in the fun please visit today!
Enjoy the Freebie!
all picks are accurately monitored at TrackPicks and National Sports Monitor
Free Bottom Line College Football picks are 4-4 (-2 units) so far this season.
Premium College Football record is 25-15 (+42.5 units) so far this season.
Premium NFL record is 22-13 (+38.5 units) so far this season.
Overall football record for 2004 so far: 47-28 (+81 units)!
Currently ranked #3 for combined college and NFL at National Sports Monitor!
Currently ranked #3 in college football at TrackPicks!
Currently ranked #3 in college football at Ultimate Handicapping Challenge!
Currently ranked #4 in the NFL at TrackPicks!
Currently ranked #4 in the NFL at National Sports Monitor!
Currently ranked #6 in the NFL at Ultimate Handicapping Challenge!
Free 1-unit World Series Game 4 Freebie for October 27th:
Take Boston/St. Louis Over 10 runs (Lowe/Marquis) -120
As you can see above it has been a solid season for my Total Football Pass members and I have reduced the cost of the pass to only $219 for this week! You'll get every selection I make from now through Super Bowl XXXVIIII for that LOW price! To sign up and join in the fun please visit today!
Enjoy the Freebie!
all picks are accurately monitored at TrackPicks and National Sports Monitor