major line-movers swept the board on sunday going 3-0. with 2 nice dogs winning +6...arizona +6' and a huge over play on the oakland raiders. tonite i have another major line-mover going and its guaranteed to win..or you pay nothing
all you have to do is go to my website and click onto premium picks for today..and get this major line-mover that will cash.
or email me with another of buying this easy play tonite
as always gl Stallion
as for a free play....take the denver broncos -3' (1h)..they should get the early 1h cover tonite
but hop on board as we win another easy major line-mover tonite in the nfl
all you have to do is go to my website and click onto premium picks for today..and get this major line-mover that will cash.
or email me with another of buying this easy play tonite
as always gl Stallion
as for a free play....take the denver broncos -3' (1h)..they should get the early 1h cover tonite
but hop on board as we win another easy major line-mover tonite in the nfl