Yesterday 1-1 Even
August 43-27-1 +13.55
September 0-0
*REDS +175
If you are interested in receiving my College and Pro Football Tipsheet @ $7 per issue, feel free to contact me...
[email protected]
***NOTE: Although the August Early Bird Special has ended, please be advised that the Spread Report Online will still be available at it's regular price of $7 per issue (154/Season) through Sunday, September 5th.
Effective Monday, September 6th, the SRO will be a thing of the *past* as I move into a different direction in the Sports Service Business.
August 43-27-1 +13.55
September 0-0
*REDS +175
If you are interested in receiving my College and Pro Football Tipsheet @ $7 per issue, feel free to contact me...
[email protected]
***NOTE: Although the August Early Bird Special has ended, please be advised that the Spread Report Online will still be available at it's regular price of $7 per issue (154/Season) through Sunday, September 5th.
Effective Monday, September 6th, the SRO will be a thing of the *past* as I move into a different direction in the Sports Service Business.