record: 42-40 (+2.65 unit)
last week: 1-0 (+3.00 units)
mlb: 4-4 (+2.75 units)
nba: 12-5 (+29.0 units)
cbb: 15-20 (-29.5 units)
nhl: 3-4 (-3.6 unit)
arena: 8-7 (+4.2 unit)
8-2 (+27.45 units) last 10 here. currently monitored #1 with a 96-69 (+86.53 units) on the year so-far
4* detroit +115
last week: 1-0 (+3.00 units)
mlb: 4-4 (+2.75 units)
nba: 12-5 (+29.0 units)
cbb: 15-20 (-29.5 units)
nhl: 3-4 (-3.6 unit)
arena: 8-7 (+4.2 unit)
8-2 (+27.45 units) last 10 here. currently monitored #1 with a 96-69 (+86.53 units) on the year so-far
4* detroit +115