Today I have an amazing card that includes 3 of my 5* plays! How do you get these amazing games you ask. Well simply email me at [email protected]. I am offering the MONTH OF OCTOBER at the weekly rate. Become a client for the MONTH of October, get these 5* plays on only pay for a WEEK of service!
Email me before the start of the first games (NOON EST) and I will give you all the 5* and 4* plays for FREE!!!!!!! YES FREE!!! You email get the top plays for FREE!! But only if you email me BEFORE noon EST!!
Email me at [email protected]
Free pick: 3* Texas/Colorado OVER 53
Email me before the start of the first games (NOON EST) and I will give you all the 5* and 4* plays for FREE!!!!!!! YES FREE!!! You email get the top plays for FREE!! But only if you email me BEFORE noon EST!!
Email me at [email protected]
Free pick: 3* Texas/Colorado OVER 53