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Ty Gaston sez "Race card played again, Limbaugh out at ESPN"!

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  • Ty Gaston sez "Race card played again, Limbaugh out at ESPN"!

    The race card once again has been played and unfortunately for ESPN, Rush Limbaugh has stepped down as a commentator on Sunday’s NFL Countdown. Rush Limbaugh made comments on last Sunday’s show saying that Donovan Mcnabb was overrated because the media wanted to see a black quarterback succeed. Then all hell breaks loose and Al Sharpton threatens to boycott ESPN and blah blah blah the situation gets blown out of proportion. Terrell Owens can make a comment that him and Jeff Garcia don’t get along, because they are not from the same parts of life, isn’t that racist? The NFL clearly states that when a head coach is fired they MUST interview black people for the job. Isn’t that racist. The NFL clearly states we need black men in General Management in the NFL, isn’t that racist? Ty Gaston says “there should be no guidelines as to what color a person is, depending on any job applied for, whether it be in the NFL, NBA, IBM or Chuckie Cheese” Ty states, “this whole race card thing is out of whack, if there is a head coaching job available, a team shouldn’t be forced to interview a black, green or purple person. The team ownership should decide who they want to hire, not the NFL front office. Recently Detroit was hammered by the NFL for hiring Steve Mariucci and not interviewing Dennis Green formerly of Minnesota, before hiring Mariucci. Dennis Green clearly stated he didn’t want to interview because he knew Detroit really wanted Mariucci because he was from Michigan. But that was Dennis Green’s opinion, no that of the Detroit Lions.” I constantly hear remarks of black players about white players, for instance when Magic Johnson was passed by John Stockton for the all times assists lead in the NBA, Magic said “in a league dominated by black men, John Stockton is probably the best all around point guard”. Racist or not? And others have said “for a small white guy, he sure is good”. How can the blacks get away with these statements?

    There are currently 9 starting quarterbacks in the NFL right now, two of which are injured Michael Vick and Daunte Culpepper. Yes, indeed, one third of the league has starting QB’s that are black, does this mean that we now are lateral and must start a campaign for American Indians to be quarterbacks, since there aren’t any? After all they have sovereign immunity, why shouldn’t there be any American Indians starting at quarterback in the NFL? Because there aren’t any American Indians good enough at the position to play in the NFL, PERIOD! And if there were, should Michael Strahan not sack him because he is from a sovereign nation? C’mon people! Rush Limbaugh’s comments got thrown out of proportion. The defense has carried this team for years, not the quarterbacking, and yes Donovan Mcnabb is the lowest rated QB in the NFL right now because he SUCKED the first few games! And now Mcnabb won’t accept an apology from Limbaugh? Mcnabb needs to tell his fans he’s sorry he sucked the first few games, and get off this race card thing.

    Rush Limbaugh never should have heeded to the pressure of AL Sharpton and others. Isn’t Al Sharpton running for President again? I would NEVER vote for him, not that he’s black, but that he’s an idiot, putting his two cents in other peoples business for no reason! Sharpton makes more headlines for his idiocricy, than Jo Lo does for her run to the alter with every guy she meets analog!

    Let’s face it, the race card is gonna be played in our society till the day I die, it will never change. But ticky tack stuff like this don’t need the headlines. If a pygmy, an American Indian, a white guy, a black guy, or a Chinese guy are good enough to play let em play, if they aren’t then we shouldn’t be forced to make them play because of some race card. But in reality I just couldn’t envision the following play by play!

    Peter Pygmy just in the game for the Niners, back to pass, looks for Owens, now he scambles, oh heck where did he go, TOUCHDOWN 49ers, Peter Pygmy just ran between the left tackles legs and snuck in for the touchdown!

    Ty Gaston is the owner of and is a freelance writer for ****.com!