Excellence In Professional Sports Handicapping
Happy 4th of July! We had another profitable Tuesday for clients; following a very successful weekend & one of the most profitable June's in our service's history. Our handicappers have released a huge evening baseball release this for this year's Independance Day. Tonight, after 7PM (EST), our handicappers have released their NL Game of the Month. Our handicapping is reporting key angles for this release that have shown at least ten profitable seasons in row. They are also reporting key information from their news associates that follow one of the teams in this matchup. Do not miss out on this one. Tonight's key release comes with a two-day guarantee; If we do not nail tonight's NL Game of the Month, then we will give you Thursday and Friday's premium releases absolutely free of charge. Anyone who has been with us for the past month knows damn well that we are going to nail this play. Our handicapping team is having one of the most profitable baseball seasons in our service's history. It's time to cash one of our handicappers' big baseball releases. Do not miss it. Remember; this game doesn't go off until Wednesday evening. Pick up tonight's NL Game of the Month with two-day guarantee for only 19.95 at the MVPCapper Sports website; http://www.mvpcapper.com and start cashing in with the most successful sports handicapping syndicate in the world. We will hit this play tonight. It's up to you whether or not you want to make some easy money with us.
Wednesday Night's Card Features
**National League**
**Game of the Month**
**6-Unit Wednesday Evening Release**
Guaranteed Winner or Two-Days Free!
**Only $19.95**
Excellence In Professional Sports Handicapping
Wednesday Comp. Release: Minnesota +110 (MLB)