Folks, let us get right to the point.....we are currently #1 at Trackpicks in CFB and today is the final day of the regular season!! WE NEED A HUGE DAY TODAY TO SECURE #1 FOR THE SECOND STRAIGHT YEAR!! With this #1 ranking on the line do you think we have spent many extra hours researching the games today?? YOU BET WE HAVE!! And we are going to have a HUGE day too so get ready!! We have uncovered several opportunities to make serious cash today and one play is so strong it is our PLAY OF THE DAY!! That's right!! We have uncovered one play where Vegas really screwed up and we are going to make them pay for it!! Our selection will SHOCK many but when you read our detailed analysis you will understand exactly WHY we are pounding this game!! $20 gets our Play of the Day along with our other member selections!! IF WE DO NOT FINISH #1 AT TRACKPICKS IN CFB WE WILL GIVE YOU ONE WEEK (7 DAYS) OF SERVICE ELECTIONS (ALL SPORTS) ABSOLUTELY FREE!! DO YOU THINK WE ARE CONFIDENT?? Folks, we are backing today with our BIGGEST GUARANTEE of the season so you know we are serious and we mean business!! Again, today is NOT about winning the Play of the Day, it's NOT about making money.....these are given....it's about proving for the second straight year we ARE THE BEST!! So what are you waiting for?? NOW is the time to jump on board....this is the BIGGEST day of the season for us!! So don't delay because the action starts early!! http://www.winningsportsplays.com/
FREE Play: Louisville -28 (CFB)
Wishing everyone success!!