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Here's Your Respect

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  • Here's Your Respect

    Here you go for a respect. You have earned my respect just for having the confidence to post and as I see doing a nice job posting as well. First, welcome to the board. I hope you have success. Couple things to consider

    To earn respect you have to respect everyone else. So, you have to respect their patience in judging you. You're a newbie so you have to let them get acquainted to you. In other words,"how does someone know if this is a streak for you or a consistent performance by you"? They have no way of knowing that. Cause the most important thing posting and having followers is this- Realize that people TRUST YOU and they put their hard earned money on the line on YOUR opinions of the games.

    Think about that. So, do you want respect for yourself or to make people money here? This is not a handicapping contest here or a competition of any kind. Its just a board where we all share opinions. Sure, it is a nice boost to the ego when people give you accolades. But, you have to perform over and over and over again. But, I've always said this for a long time, only post if you know that you've been successful for many years. But, the goal is not to show others up, but rather to help everyone on the board. I know egos and egos can KILL gamblers. EVERYONE wants to be the man. Who cares? I love the stock market. Absolutely LOVE it. Even took the series 7. Make a long story short; to this day I NEVER EVER choose my own stocks. I leave that for my brother who I know is much better than me. Does it hurt my ego? HELL NO. It helps my wallet. People with prides and ego lose in the end. Believe me, if I have one losing month; I will never post on a board ever again.

    I've been posting on boards for a while now and it took me proving as well. But, my main message wasn't look at me (although I have an arrogance to me), but my message has been "please look at MY PLAYS cause I can deliver for you guys in the LONG term every year. You CAN win at this and PLEASE don't hurt yourselves or get discouraged"

    So, I tried to draw attention so I can deliver the goods for people. So, when you get the attention, do you have the confidence to have people wager hard earned money on your games? My guess is yes. But, only you know if this is consistency for you or a streak.

    So, give everyone a chance and I bet you they will find you. Not everyone likes to jump someone on a streak as they know a streak always ends, but consistency never ends. And if you're the latter, then you're gonna make people good money.

    You kick butt for a month and believe me people will thank you for helping them out. That's what these boards are for; to help people out. Not to make it a "look at me" board. I basically sacrficed my real life affable personality to be portrayed as a total ego arrogant guy here. But, if it makes people money, I am fine with that.

    I post at other boards and at one board there are people there who lose on a consistent basis. Of course they have the right to post, BUT as soon as they win or go on a streak they literally throw a parade for themselves. And this hurts people as newbies ask them what they should play 2morrow, etc etc. And they have the nerves to tell newbies to put a lot of money on such and such "knowing" damn well that they lose most of the time and they would risk someone else losing money. Sure enough they get buried and bury the newbies WITHOUT care. I mean they lose people money just cause they had a "gut feeling" on a game. I still can't believe people gamble like that. That is NO respect for your money. Just for their ego inflation they would risk hurting others. So, yes I am putting pressure on you, myself, and anyone else who urges people to play their games. Yes, its our right to post, BUT its also a HUGE responsibility.

    And the dangers of gambling is people think short term. If I go 10-0 2morrow people will put me on the mountain. It means nothing if I go 10-0 2morrow. It only matters where I stand in the end. And it works the same vice versa. You can win every day, but when you lose people totally forget how much you've won and they think you suck. This is where the bashers will haunt you down as well. I've had only losing week on this board since I've been posting here and last night was a bad night for me and all of a sudden I got attacked for the way I play my games. Its as if they totally forgot the previous days that I won. So, BE PREPARED and ignore that fuss as your goal should always focus on to MAKE YOUR FOLLOWERS MONEY. Remember, we are just a Internet conscious here. Nothing physical. So forgot about the hoopla of people noticing you for those reasons. Just prove to people that YES we can beat the books.

    Best of luck to you. Sorry for the long post. But, you got my respect. I mean I just wrote you a book. HAHA So, remember draw attention to help people. That's what I did and people thought I was an ego maniac. I don't care what they thought, cause I knew I got their attention so they never piss their money away again. I don't care if they hate the *** personality, I ONLY care if they can make money of *** plays. Remember, FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, OF THE PEOPLE. Best of luck to you and can't wait to see you kick butt all year and you'll notice this board is filled with the nicest people, so go out of your way to win for them!!!!