Organic positioning is used in Digital Marketing actions to refer to the number of visitors to a website that are not attracted by advertising, but access the platforms spontaneously. In general, it is more likely to build user loyalty, because in these cases people are attracted by a genuine interest in the message the company has to offer. To exemplify, organic access happens when a person interested in the service of renting a stationary bucket for debris, for example, research on the subject in the current main search engine and access a certain site without the influence of a sponsored link or advertisement. It is worth mentioning the three main ways to increase the organic positioning of the company's website or social network. They are: content marketing, SEO and social media.
Content Marketing The set of visits won spontaneously can be leveraged with Content Marketing. Which is one of the foundations of Digital Marketing. In this sense it is the generation of relevant materials for the public that most drives access. The contents need to be authentic, of high quality and aimed at answering the main WhatsApp Number List questions and problems of the audience. Thus, qualified visitors, really interested in knowing the solutions that the company has to offer, have good experiences with the content and may even return to the site in the future. SEO optimization SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) is the main way to attract organic traffic to blogs, websites and web pages, through searches that users perform on Google. In other words, the usability of SEO strategies means that websites are well positioned in the rankings.

Of results precisely at the moment when people most need or want information. Which is the moment of the search. To get an idea, the search for “ dust exhaust system”, for example, generates a list of results. So, most people usually access, precisely, the sites that are among the first positions. In this case, the company that manages to conquer and maintain the first position in the results list has some advantages, such as: More visibility for the company; Increased authority in the market in which it operates; Organic traffic generation; More business opportunities. In general, a website that is well regarded by search engines naturally generates organic traffic, which makes investing time and resources in SEO optimization essential for business.